It’s Behavior, Sages#3

It’s Behavior, Sages—#3! C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Now look at cancer Behavioral contributions Obesity Inactivity Stress, frustration, anger, etc Smoking Crummy nutrition Poor/inadequate sleep Excess soy Chemical pollution Petroestrogens Possibly fluoride and chlorine Premarin Artificial progesterone or progestin Nuclear contamination The behaviors needed to maintain optimal immunity Stress management—simplest is Autogenic Training. Spending 18…

It’s Behavior, Sages #1

It’s Behavior, Sages—#1! C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. John Knowles, in his outstanding article “The Responsibility of the Individual”, stated, “Ninety-nine percent of individuals are born healthy and become unhealthy because of human misbehavior.” Conservatively, 85% of illnesses are the result of that misbehavior. Let’s start with hypertension, which affects one-third of adults. The…

Are You Happy

ARE YOU HAPPY? This newsletter is being resent. The original email failed part way through the sending process. Please excuse the duplication if you already received the original email. Since 1972, I have worked with over 30,000 patients, at least 95% of whom are depressed. I have also given workshops and lectures to many thousands…

Taurine – The Hidden Deficiency

TAURINE–The Hidden Deficiency C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Almost 8 years ago, I wrote that Taurine is the most commonly deficient amino acid. It may become more deficient every year! It is deficient in Depression Epilepsy Hypertension Obesity Anxiety Autism Cancer People with gall stones Cardiac arrhythmias Diabetes and metabolic syndrome Immune deficiency Blood clotting…

Optimal Health and Longevity

Optimal Health and Longevity Generally these two conditions are Siamese twins. What we know now, beyond any reasonable doubt, is that you are likely to enhance both health and longevity by: Not smoking Keeping your Body Mass Index between 18 and 24 Eating at least 5 and preferably 7 servings of real fruits and veggies…

L-Arginine Plus Cardio Health Formula

L-Arginine Plus ™ Cardio Health Formula C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I have been searching for years for this L-arginine product from a non-MLM company! The cost is half that of MLM, plus it even has added alkalizing trace minerals. The key is L-arginine PLUS L-citrulline, to provide optimal cardiovascular support. There is good long-term…

Active vs Placebo

Active vs PlaceboC. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I have often said there is no drug as good a placebo! That is, the “average” placebo effect is 35%. To be as good as the placebo, a drug would need to be 70% effective. Here is a great example, from a two page ad in the JAMA,…

Boron — The Essential that Most Don’t Know About

I am more intrigued than ever with boron as an essential nutrient. Soil contents of boron vary throughout the world and the higher the soil content of boron, the lower the rate of arthritis! Boron is anti-osteoporotic, hypolipemic, anti-coagulant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer. It is critical to parathyroid function. Additionally, boron and magnesium deficiency may be…

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