The Instant Bliss Diet

THE INSTANT BLISS DIET If you want to lose weight quickly, up to 10 pounds a month, the best approach is: Take Dr. Shealy’s Essentials, 4, twice a day plus: Breakfast One fresh orange or small apple Three eggs, plus cheese (Or Three eggs beaten with 4 tablespoons of half and half plus 2 teaspoons…


STRESS-FREE, WEIGHT-FREE Two-thirds of Americans are now overweight (Body Mass Index above 24), with one-third officially obese (BMI above 30). Obesity has now passed smoking as the number one measurable cause of death. Obesity also is a major contributor to many other common diseases, including stroke, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and at least several cancers….

Sicko & Third Party Rape

SICKO & THIRD PARTY RAPE Michael Moore’s film, SICKO, is powerful indictment of the United States, not just for its insane Medical System, but for is equally insane government and the entire military-industrial complex. The legal system, the PharmacoMafia, the Insurance Mafia and, indeed, the greed and corruption of Big Business are all at the…

Sacral Shear

Twenty-two years ago after a morning jog followed by my usual yoga limbering, a pattern of over 10 years, I developed excruciating left buttocks and sciatic pain. The pain did not abate. Finally, the following morning I saw an Osteopathic physician who diagnosed a sacral shear. It took him 45 minutes to correct the shear….

Stress and the Gut: Mind Over Matter Part 1

STRESS AND THE GUT: MIND OVER MATTER? (Part 1) (PART 1 OF 2) The ability of emotional stress to cause various physical symptoms and disorders has been widely recognized since antiquity. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent in primitive peoples, and as Walter Cannon illustrated in ''Voodoo'' Death, could prove lethal if a taboo was violated,…

Psychic Vandalism

PSYCHIC VANDALISM I am happy to provide my readers the following information. I have known Bob for over 34 years and consider him one of the world experts in the field of intuition and psychic attack. Norm A NEW BOOK by R. LEICHTMAN, M.D. PSYCHIC VANDALISM How It Happens To Us & How To Defend…

Proteins – The Foundation of Life

PROTEINS – THE FOUNDATION OF LIFE Although not an ideal diet, proteins are the most essential of all foods. You cannot make DNA without them! You can make carbohydrates and fats from them, and of course most protein foods also contain some fat. In order of quality, the following is a good start: Eggs Fish…


PRIMARY SALAD VEGGIES You think a salad is lettuce and maybe spinach with a few minor additions? Then see how many of these you know. Amaranth Arugula Beet greens Bitterleaf Catsear Celtuce Ceylon spinach Chicory Chinese mallow Chrysanthemum Corm salad Cress Dandelion Endive Epazote Fat hen Fiddlehead Fluted pumpkin Golden samphire Good King Henry Iceplant…

Prostate Health

PROSTATE HEALTH Other than the heart, the weakest organ in men is the prostate. Prostatitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) and cancer of the prostate are remarkably common. The vast majority of men will develop one or more of these problems at some point in life. Although the lifetime incidence of –symptomatic prostatitis is reported at…


POISONS AROUND YOU I have written before about the ubiquitous poisoning of the world. So did Rachel Carson many decades ago. Each decade it gets worse. Overall it is a toss up as to whether the world will ultimately be most damaged by the 550,000 chemical poisons released indiscriminately each year, or by nuclear contamination….

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