A Doctor’s Advice: Why You Should Consider An Anti-Inflammatory Diet For Chronic Pain

Virtually all symptoms and illnesses are the result of inflammation and everything affects everything. Other than breathing and water, food is the most essential for life itself. Following an anti-inflammatory diet for chronic pain is effective and fairly simple. Eighty percent of your food should be vegetables and fruits and twenty percent protein. Since the…

Cholesterol – The Essential Nutrient

Cholesterol is absolutely essential for: Brain structure and function Every cell membrane All nerve function Many hormones: pregnenelone, androstenedione, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, aldosterone, cortisol, testosterone Ultimately for immune health & energy Ability to make vitamin D when exposed to sun! Deficiency of cholesterol in utero leads to Autism Pyloric stenosis Mental retardation Failure to thrive…

Sugar Blues – The Dark Side of Sweet

William Duffy’s book SUGAR BLUES should have been the death knell to the exorbitant use of sugar (sucrose). Of course, half a century earlier Price and Pottenger (NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL DEGENERATION) had scientifically documented the role of sugar and white flour as major contributors to DISEASE, ranging from dental decay to atherosclerosis and cancer, especially…

The matter of the heart

Healing Stories to Serve Mankind To listen to the discussion Dr. Norm had with Carol, please either click the image or the link below. https://the-matter-of-the-heart.simplecast.com/episodes/the-matter-of-the-heart-cancer-and-the-environment-im-ok-because-god-does-not-create-junk-dr-norman-shealy Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. is the father of holistic medicine. He recommends autogenic focus (the basis of the Biogenics System) as part of your overall commitment to self-health. Register to download…

Mung Beans

Build your Immune System With the Corona Virus swirling about us, I think you will be interested to know that fresh Mung Bean sprouts can quickly build your health to resist this new threat. If you wish to review the data regarding the benefit of fresh Mung Bean sprouts and their ability to quickly build…

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