Wheat Refrain

sHEALyWellness     Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage Memo to those who criticized my comments re wheat   I received several emails from those who state that wheat is not genetically modified. How about genetically engineered AND POISONED? Roundup is one of the greatest toxins in the world…

GMO Poison

  sHEALyWellness     Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage GENETICALLY MODIFIED POISON C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.   100% of wheat and 90% of corn and soybeans are now genetically modified. You might not think this is a problem BUT a huge majority of food has fructose added…

Spiraling Consciousness by Tom Hansen

sHEALyWellness     Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage Here is another thought provoking commentary from my friend Tom Hansen. It speaks strongly of the illusion of reality. Spiraling Consciousness   Tom Hansen, July 2015 What was meant to be a wonderful extension of the reality of love was…

Shealy Protocol for Chronic Pain & Depression

When all conventional treatments have failed, the treatment of choice is: A Five Day 40 Hour Intensive with: Daily use of Liss Cranial Stimulator Daily TENS GigaTENS activation of the Rings of Air, Fire, Water, Earth & Crystal Daily Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Massage Past life Therapy Biogenics Retraining of the Nervous System Shealy RelaxMate…

Free E-Book & MP3

FREE E-BOOK AND MP3 Spread the e-news and receive your choice of a free e-book and a free mp3. Send me 10 names of friends from whom you solicit permission to sign them up for my free e-news and send me their names and email addresses with your choice of one of these E-books: 90…

It’s the Immune System

sHEALyWellness   Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage IT’S THE IMMUNE SYSTEM!   C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.   Pasteur created the germ theory of disease and the medical establishment has debated the overall system for the 120 years since his death. Indeed, it is the culture medium on…

Shealy Protocol for Restoring DHEA

DHEA deficiency is present in all diseases and gradually occurs with aging. By age 80, almost everyone has a level that is 10% of that at age 25. Instead of supplements of DHEA, I recommend: Fire Bliss daily Dr. sHEALy’s Youth Formula, 4 daily Eugesterone for women and Adam’s Prostate Care daily for men Magnesium…

Coffee Creamer

sHEALyWellness     Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage Coffee Creamer C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.   All of the artificial cream substitutes are JUNK! Personally I like Gano Coffee, but as with all plain coffee, it feels like rot gut to me without cream. Gano is part black…

Ideal Nutrition

Ideal Nutrition C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. NO wheat or gluten Eggs Minimal of starches NO MSG, Aspartame, Splenda® Unlimited veggie veggies Unlimited natural beef, pork, poultry, fish Two servings of fruit daily Cheese is fine Greek yogurt, unsweetened Up to two cups daily of coffee or tea, sweetened only with honey

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