I am often asked what supplements I take, so here it is!? There are many physicians who tell patients not to take supplements. Ideally, IF you lived on an organic farm, away from city and other farms with their pollutants, raised all your own food, did not travel, avoided travel and chemical pollutants, had the…

Vitamin D Effects: The Cure For Many Diseases?

I have been planning for many months to write a commentary on Vitamin D. Recently I had the good fortune to spend a couple of hours with Dr. Joe Prendergast, an endocrinologist /diabetologist. (You can learn more about him and his work at and Dr. Pendergast has managed over 1500 diabetic patients and,…

Cancer is a Fungus

Cancer is a Fungus C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. CANCER IS A FUNGUS, by Dr. T. Simoncini, Edizioni Lampus, 2007, Italy Dr. Tullio Simoncini considers all cancers to be the result of that common fungus known as candida!? Admittedly, the first third of his discussion is rather focused on his theory, some of which may…


The Food Mafia LIES, DAMN LIES & THE FOOD MAFIA(C) C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? The continual duplicity and downright criminal activity of the food industry is at least as bad as that of the PharmacoMafia and the rest of the Military/Industrial Complex. For many decades they have used the oxymoron “enriched” to advertise…


Potassium Bicarbonate POTASSIUM? BICARBONATE ANTIDOTE TO DISEASE?? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? I recently was sent a commentary on a book by an Italian physician who Claims to treat all types of cancer by giving intra-arterial sodium bicarbonate. Bicarbonate, of course produces an alkaline environment and there is great evidence that our diet is…


RESTORING DHEA RESTORING DHEA C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? Virtually everyone is low or deficient in DHEA long before age 80. Many begin the slow process of adrenal burnout n the 30s. Stress of all kinds begins to overwhelm the bodys most critical hormone DHEA, the youth and health hormone. Poor nutrition, anxiety, lack…

Tart Cherry Juice

TART CHERRY JUICE and a REPLAY ON PREMPRO (R) C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. By now you have to be aware that you need fruits and vegetables!? The average American consumes only 3.4 total servings per day. You need a MINIMUM of 5!? And of course 6 or 7 servings would be ideal. NOTHING in…


Homeopathy Newsletter on HOMEOPATHY below this announcement ? Orbs: Interacting with Other Realms Prophets Conference, March 21-23 Spring Equinox I invite you to join a conference I am speaking at in Palm Springs, California, Orbs: Interacting with Other Realms during the spring equinox weekend in March. Friday evening begins with a screening of the freshly…

Posture Pump

POSTURE PUMP NEW POSTURE PUMP RESEARCH Newsletter below the announcement: ? Orbs: Interacting with Other Realms Prophets Conference, March 21-23 Spring Equinox I invite you to join a conference I am speaking at in Palm Springs, California, Orbs: Interacting with Other Realms during the spring equinox weekend in March. Friday evening begins with a screening…


DIABETES C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph. D. ? With the obesity epidemic comes the diabetes epidemic!?? Type 2 diabetes is almost exclusively the result of misbehavior!? Excess calories, junk food, sugar, artificial sweeteners, inadequate exercise and too much couch potato TV are the leading contributors. On my mothers side of the family ALL my cousins…

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