
Nixall is a natural product. Its active ingredient is hypochlorous acid (HClO). HClO is the same compound your white blood cells use to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Nixall ™ is an electrolyzed anolyte water that: Is all-natural, “truly a green product.” Oxygenates and hydrates the skin. Is Ph balanced. Is destructive to staphylococcus and…


CONSCIOUSNESS Consciousness C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Fifty years ago, Vernon Mountcastle, the great neurophysiologist, and I had a lengthy discussion about the seat of consciousness. At that time we were discussing just the concept of being humanly aware, without all the philosophical nuances of the word. From the point of view of a neurosurgeon,…


WEIGHT BALANCE – NATURALLY   C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I have written in the past about NAC, n-acetyl cysteine, as a safe, natural energy booster. I now have encouraged a dozen people to use it as an appetite reducer. The results have been gratifying—two-thirds are losing weight consistently, about a pound a week, with…

Oxytocin Deficiency Syndrome

Personality and mood are perhaps more multidimensional than anything we perceive. They are conditioned by our astrological signs, our karma our genetics and perhaps, most of all, by our environment from the time of conception at least until adulthood. It also appears that the emotional environment during gestation may be more critical than almost all….


IGNORANCE vs STUPIDITY Ignorance vs Stupidity C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Ignorance is ignoring facts; stupidity is a lack of intelligence. The vitamin D prescribed by physicians is D 2 which is highly inferior to the natural D 3 produced in the body. At least some of the vitamin D “fortified” (a true oxymoron, somewhat…

Roman Chair

ROMAN CHAIR (c) C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. For 30 years I have included the Roman Chair in my exercise routine. Recently I saw a 6 foot 6 inch tall man who had had benefit from 6″decompression” sessions but his insurance refused to pay for the 4 week program. Incidentally, I worked to develop the…

Healthy Cities

HEALTHY CITIES C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. During one of my radio programs (Thursdays, 2:07 PM, CT,, at a newsbreak, I learned that Springfield, MO has the dubious distinction of being the 4th sleepiest city in the country. Shocked, I searched the internet and learned that, based on prescriptions for sleep drugs, Springfield is…

90 Day to Self-Health

90 DAYS TO SELF-HEALTH C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. My first book, 90 DAYS TO SELF-HEALTH, on self-care came out 30 years ago. It sold well but was taken off the market after the third year because it sold only 10,000 copies that year. Since then, I have refined the contents in 90 DAYS TO…

Oxytocin Bliss

OXYTOCIN BLISS C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Over a decade ago, I demonstrated that Giga-stimulation (with the Shealy PainPro) of the Ring of Air strikingly raised Neurotensin, a natural brain neuroleptic, which regulates luteinizing hormone and prolactin release as well as facilitates oxytocin enhancement. It is also an analgesic. Oxytocin is known as the bonding…

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