Rebuttal to Misleading Carnitine Report

Rebuttal to Misleading Carnitine Report On April 13, 2013, a meta-analysis performed by the Mayo Clinic looked at 3,600 patients and found huge cardiac benefits in those who supplemented with L-carnitine. This study represented the largest, most powerful scientific review of carnitine’s cardiovascular benefits to date. The Mayo Clinic study found carnitine supplementation was associated…

Boron, The Homeostatic Mineral

Boron has long been known for its essential role in assisting in bone health. At least every adult needs a minimum of 3 mg daily. We now know that boron is a homeostatic mineral in that it is crucial in the homeostasis of: Inflammation, especially in all forms of arthritis! Lipid levels Testosterone production. (This…

Towards a Psychology of Conscientiousness

Conscientiousness has been identified as the single most essential personality trait for health and longevity. Conscientiousness accounts for 75% of good health and longevity, and genetics is the major determinant of the other 25%. There are thousands of studies of the importance of conscientiousness but none that I have located on how to enhance conscientiousness….

O’pa Soap Bar and Essentials

O’pa Soap Bar is unequivocally the BEST toothbrushing agent in the world. Removes plaque, tastes great. Some years ago I wrote about the benefits of brushing your teeth with soap. Now, a creative soap maker has developed remarkably effective tooth soap! The real thing, with a glycerine base and a nice soft mint flavor. Interestingly,…

Third Party Rape

Norm Shealy’s Health Blog, Third Party Rape Twenty years ago I wrote a book with the above title. I had come to the conclusion that Government, Hospitals, the Insurance Industry and the Legal Profession were essentially a conspiracy to control everything related to medicine, oxymoronically called “health care”. The first sentence was “In the…

Magnesium Revisited

Although I have written about this topic for 20 years, it is worth revisiting magnesium as it is such an essential mineral. Eighty percent of Americans are magnesium deficient! The ONLY simple accurate test for magnesium is intracellular! Every known disease is associated with magnesium deficiency, from irregular heartbeat, auricular fibrillation, immune problems, allergies, cancer,…

From Glutton to Fasting

Please Note: The link at the end of this newsletter is time sensitive. We do not know how long it might be accessible. From Glutton to Fasting C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. There is no question that the Atkins diet works for many, but who stays on it. The Barnes diet works even better but…


Memory problems are among the most common complaints at almost every age. To prevent and enhance memory, the following are most important: No smoking Body Mass Index between 18 and 24 At least 6 servings, combined of fruits and vegetables daily Physical exercise at least one hour daily. Build slowly Meditate, do autogenic training or…

Top Health Problems, Top Risks

Watching the top illnesses and risks, the shift over a few decades is indeed interesting. According to the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, in the world at large, as recently as 1990 the top disabling health problems were lower respiratory infection diarrhea preterm birth ischemic heart disease stroke In 2010 the top disabling health…

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