In Case You Do Not Grow Your Own

In Case you do not GROW Your OWN C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Most store foods are highly contaminated, with pesticides and are harvested prematurely. Over 3 decades ago FOOD FOR NAUGHT emphasized the problem with commercial foods. CLEANEST FOODS 1. Onions 2. Sweet Corn 3. Pineapple 4. Avocado 5. Asparagus 6. Sweet peas 7….

The Future of Your Health

With a Government that does not have the common sense of a 6 year old, totally unable to live within its means, it is more important than ever to be Responsible and Take Care of Your Health!? The future of your health is in your hands and chances are you are going to need to…

Castor Oil for Cataracts

What Are Cataracts? Before we get into the good news about one of the excellent uses for castor oil, let’s first discuss what cataracts are and what causes them. Many people suffer from an age-related cataract in one or both eyes; however, cataracts can also be the result of illness or injury to your eyes….

Refined Salt

Refined Salt C. Norman Shealy. M.D., Ph.D. In thinking about “refined” foods, which I have considered all current wheat products and most packaged foods with more than one ingredient, such words as hydrogenated, added, artificial, trans-fats, substitute, MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, etc. Sodium chloride does not occur in nature as just sodium chloride; it is…

Youthful Aging Now

Seven years ago I started a search for rejuvenation of telomeres which is key to youthful aging now. As you may know, telomeres, the tips of our DNA, are critical for the ability of cell reproduction. ALL cells in our body live a limited amount of time, usually a MAXIMUM of 7 years, some much…

Iodine, Hypothyroidism, Health and Death

Iodine, Hypothyroidism, Health, and Death C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. In the first quarter of the 20th century, iodine was identified as essential for thyroid function, and iodine deficiency was established as a cause of goiter. That led to addition of iodine to table salt. Then not later than the 1950’s physicians began strongly advising…

Schnelle Work, The Most Unique Bodywork

If you wish to reply to the newsletter please email SCHNELLE WORK – The most unique bodywork C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. For at least 42 years I have been an experiential bodywork enthusiast, exploring massage, shiatsu, Rolfing (76 sessions), Alexander (42 sessions), etc. Over the past 7 years, I have been fortunate to…

Human Growth Hormone and Arginine

Human Growth Hormone & Arginine C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. For a, number of years we carried a Human Growth Hormone enhancer, Rejuvamax. Unfortunately it is no longer manufactured. However, we have found a great replacement by Life Extension, Arginine Ornithine Powder Most adults lose the health benefits of HGH, but can assist its regeneration…

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