Electromagnetic Harm

Considering my recent note to friends about EMF and electromagnetic harm, I think this link sent to me by Dr. Richard Alan Miller should be read by everyone I cannot include the entire article but the reference to the original is below. _____ What is Mind Control? True mind control is the exploitation by you,…

Electromagnetic Radiation

I recently tested a variety of devices. I believe that there is significant risk when the brain is exposed to 3 or more milligauss of electromagnetic radiation. Laptop-5 milligauss at the keyboard; 1.5 milligauss at head External backup battery for laptop-100 milligauss within 6 feet!; 3 milligauss even when not plugged in and turned off…


REJUVENATION For the past decade my work has focused on rejuvenation of life energy. Recent results have been excitingly positive. Then came the Big Bang-aren’t computers and the Internet great? Last week with the collapse of my website and shopping art, I was hopeful that we could be born again this week. Alas it may…

Holistic Health Cruise

HOLISTIC HEALTH CRUISE Dr. Norm Shealy here. As you know, the field of healthcare is changing fast. Holistic, integrative and complementary approaches are gaining tremendous momentum and popularity. Would you like some new tools and insights about health and healing? Want to reignite your own sense of empowered satisfaction? Ready for a great vacation? If…


Exorphins C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.   Exorphins are opioid peptides (bits of amino acids) that largely are byproducts of digestion of wheat and milk, and which create a myriad of symptoms. They do often interfere with our normal endorphin systems, the intrinsic opioids which are critical regulators of mood. Beta endorphin is the best…

Aluminum Toxicity

Aluminum is one of the 8 most common elements on earth, representing 8.13 % of all earth material. It is present in soil and in water. Unfortunately, aluminum has been ADDED in increasing quantities to water, vaccines, cooking utensils, beverage cans, and anti-acids. All of this aluminum means we must be aware of aluminum toxicity….

GcMAF – Antidote for Cancer?

GcMAF—Antidote for Cancer?   Everyone with cancer or concerned about cancer should read and store this information. Here is a link to the most comprehensive book on GcMAF http://gcmaf.timsmithmd.com/book/book/4/all/ Nagalase is a protein made by all cancer cells and viruses (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and others). Nagalase causes immunodeficiency. Normally present…

Mineral Deficiency

MINERAL DEFICIENCY C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. To be optimally healthy we need a wide variety of amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. We do NOT need carbohydrates per se, as we can make them out of amino acids and fats! Common DEFICIENCIES in minerals include: *Magnesium. Most magnesium is in bones and…


Allergies are among the most common complaints, with gastrointestinal problems from wheat and milk at the top of the list. Seasonal allergies are most often caused by pollens and are a major reason for the huge promotion of antihistamines, which most often clobber alertness and brain function. Fortunately, there is an alternative. Antronex® is a…

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