C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. All too long ago I wrote about Adrenal Burnout and said I would explore Hypothalamic-Pituitary Burnout. Finally, here it is. As with all aspects of life, Everything is related to Everything! Adrenal burnout inevitably affects the thyroid, testes or ovaries, pancreas and of course, the pituitary and its control center:…


  sHEALyWellness  Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage  PARENT RIGHTS Wendy did not send me the names of the parents.  However, personally, I firmly believe parents have the right to choose or refuse medical therapies.  It is evil mafioso medical traits to force treatment against the wishes of the…


  sHEALyWellness  Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage PREVENTING & TREATING DIABETES C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.   One-third of all Americans have “pre-diabetes” of clinically diagnosed diabetes, anD another third will develop it if they continue current habits! I was taught over 60 years ago that diabetic neuropathy…


  sHEALyWellness    Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage Meditation is a state of deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent. BE HERE NOW!! Mindfulness Other words contemplation, thought, thinking, musing, pondering, consideration, reflection, deliberation, rumination, brooding, reverie, concentration; prayer; cogitation “Cultivating the presence of God…


sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage PAST LIFE THERAPY— BEST IN THE WORLD © Plus CERTIFICATION as a Past Life Therapist! C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Since 1972 I have considered Past Life Therapy (PLT) to be the most effective psychotherapy in the world. Even a single session…

Medical Intuition Seminar Photo

sHEALyWellness    Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage Great workshop with Caroline Myss and me last weekend on Medical Intuition in Oakbrook, IL.   sHEALyWellness | | norm@normshealy.com | 5607 S. 222nd Rd. Fair Grove, MO 65648


C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Published statistics are so remarkably variable that one wonders how to trust any! Some published stats range from 10% to at least 37%. Unequivocally, those with any significant problem have very high rates of depression, with stroke, cancer, Parkinsonism, HIV and chronic pain among the highest. My own impression is…

Medical Intuition-Symbolic Diseases

sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage Medical Intuition and Symbolic Diseases Dec 5, 2014 – Dec 7, 2014 http://www.monroeinstitute.org/programs/medical-intuition-and-symbolic-diseases Prerequisites: None Many factors affect our health, from genetics and environmental pollution to toxic emotions. Medical Intuition can provide valuable tools to find the underlying causes of a physical…


  sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage   THE ACT OF WILL by Roberto Assagioli is a classic. He suggested starting with standing on one leg on a chair.  I suggest you start standing on one leg, holding on to the chair! NEXT: Do Autogenic Training (my Basic…


CLIMATE CHANGE C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Climate change has been going on for millions of years. The last great deluge occurred about 12,000 years ago and wiped out much of the world. Humanity’s contribution is minimal. IF WE SPENT HALF THE WAR $$ ON RE-MINERALIZATION OF THE SOIL, IT COULD BE AT LEAST MODERATED….

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