Holos University Graduate Seminary

HOLOS UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SEMINARY In 1967, when I began exploration of alternatives to drugs and surgery for management of chronic pain, I had no idea how far from conventional medicine it would take me. By 1973, I realized that a vast majority of human problems are the result of unhealthy behavior and cumulative stress, to…


HOMOCYSTEINE REVISITED THE H* FACTOR SOLUTION *(Homocysteine, the Best Single Indicator of Whether You are Likely to Live Long or Die Young) By James Brady, M.D. and Patrick Holford Basic Health Publications, Inc, North Bergen, N.J., 2003, $14.95 This superb little book contains 220 scientific references related to homocysteine research. And while I have long…

Health Freedom

HEALTH FREEDOM Please read to the end to see why I endorse the National Health Freedom Coalition, Nationalhealthfreedom.org! I am happy to be a Board member of this important organization. Almost 30 years ago, Stanley Gross brought to my awareness the serious inadequacy of licensure in his ground-breaking book, OF FOXES AND HEN HO– USES….

Green Tea – EGCG

GREEN TEA – EGCG Green tea has gained great popularity in the past few years, for very healthy reasons. Unfortunately, many people, including me, do not like its flavor – just slightly less than weed tea. It does come with many possible flavorings, such as peach and mango, which make it quite delicious. On the…

Happiness is an Inside Job

HAPPINESS IS AN INSIDE JOB I first heard this phrase about 30 years ago. Prior to that, it had never occurred to me that happiness was an outside job! About that time, I had also read one of Hans Selye’s books in which he stated that you should strive in live to find a job…

Fruits – Nectars of the Gods

FRUITS – NECTARS OF THE GODS Fruits may be even more plentiful than vegetables, are generally sweeter and loaded with antioxidants. Although I am not a vegetabalarian, as our 12 year old son called it when we tried for 15 months a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, and definitely not a vegan, about which I will write…


HEALTH & HAPPINESS Script: PHILIPPIANS 4: 4-9 ''Rejoice in the Lord always. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present our requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard our…

Essential Health Tests

ESSENTIAL HEALTH TESTS Two years ago I wrote about tests I recommend. I am most delighted to update my recommendations. And the really GOOD news is that you can order these tests YOURSELF, unless you live in New York State! We won’t address why that state violates your constitutional rights!! Except for cholesterol and triglycerides…


FETISHES – OR THE NUTS AMONG THE BERRIES ? FETISHES – OR THE NUTS AMONG THE BERRIES Many years there was a book titled, THE NUTS AMONG THE BERRIES. And, throughout history there have been many extremists, as there are today. Indeed there is fundamentalism in nutrition, as well as in politics and religion. Today,…

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