
OBESITY What is obesity? The generally accepted terminology today is a Body Mass Index of 30 or above. ”Overweight” is considered a BMI of 25 to 29 and morbid obesity is a BMI of 40 or above. One-third of Americans are overweight and another third are obese. You can find your own BMI easily on…

Moving Bliss

MOVING BLISS Move it or lose it! Move your body or lose: Joy Well-being Health Life Less than 10% of Americans get a reasonable amount of exercise. Even crummy nutrition takes less toll on your health and life than being a couch potato! Even minimal exercise increases beta-endorphins, the natural feel good chemical designed for…

More on Pesticides

MORE ON PESTICIDES According to the Environmental Working Group, most of our essential fresh fruits and vegetables contain pesticides. They have listed: The ''Dirty Dozen'' (starting with the worst) peaches apples sweet bell peppers celery nectarines strawberries cherries pears grapes (imported) I suspect all grapes!! But I buy them spinach lettuce potatoes The ''Cleanest 12''…


LONGEVITY Statistics are of course a multivariate and inconsistent aspect of what I call vague mathematics! Average listing of longevity in Americans in 2003 was listed as 77.6 years. It is based upon average age of death in the preceding year. But even in our third largest city, Chicago, average longevity ranged from 75.8 to…

Lavender, Tea Tree Oil & Phytoestrogens

LAVENDER, TEA TREE OIL, & PHYTOESTROGENS Sugar and spice and everything nice does not necessarily apply to lavender oil, tea tree oil and possibly many more. Actually, there are over 300 foods containing phytoestrogens-chemicals essentially like estradiol. The highest concentration of phytoestrogens is in soy beans, clover, alfalfa, legumes of all kinds, licorice, ginseng and…

Killer Cold Virus and Immunity

KILLER COLD VIRUS AND IMMUNITY Recent headlines include the link: Killer Cold Virus Ad14 Appears in U.S. There have been serious viral and bacterial diseases as long as we can tell from both recorded history and archeological records. Bubonic plague, tuberculosis, AIDS, and even influenza have at times wiped out millions of people. However, in…

Leptin, Obesity & Disease

LEPTIN, OBESITY AND DISEASE Leptin is an adipose tissue produced hormone related to appetite and obesity. Ordinarily increasing levels of leptin suppress appetite and increase energy expenditure. Leptin is also responsible for pubertal development. Interestingly, urinary leptin is higher in prepubertal girls entering puberty than in prepubertal boys entering puberty. At the same pubertal time,…

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