CAFFEINE & DIABETES C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Everyone knows that excess sugar, excess calories and obesity are major contributors to the near epidemic of Type 2 diabetes. Pop and sugar junk food are certainly major factors. Now we know that caffeine may be a potent risk factor in the develpment of diabetes. And we…

Natural Health

NATURAL HEALTH Stand for Natural Health or be Banned by the Establishment C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.   For 2000 years there has been an eternal battle between the Machinists and the Naturalists. Machinists believe they are God, that “their” way is the only acceptable way. And they do everything in their power to prevent…


OIL OF OREGANO VULGARE Oil Of Oregano Vulgare C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.There are many essential oils, some for esthetics and some for health. For the immune system, Oil of WILD Oregano is at the top of the list. It can be taken orally or used on the skin. For topical use one drop is…


D-Mannose for Urinary Tract Infections C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.? In both men and women urinary tract infections (UTI’s) are one of the plagues of existence. E-coli is the most common “cause” of such infections, being the responsible agent in 85% or more of UTI’s in men and women. Repeated bouts of UTI are not…


NATURAL NATIVE HEALTH FREEDOM C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I have recently been honored to become spiritually adopted by the Nemenhah Band. The reason is clear– The Native American Cultural and Religious Freedom Act, a FEDERAL law which specifically protects a practitioner of Native American Religion. Healing IS Religion to all American Indians. The ceremony…

Be Prepared for Survival

BE PREPARED FOR SURVIVAL   Be Prepared for Survival C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. PLEASE SHARE. Almost daily I receive news from ET’s as well as self-proclaimed prophets that the world is going to blow apart within 2 weeks or two years. Despite the warnings about Armageddon, etc, the recent catastrophe in Japan reminds us…

Bile Salt & Gall Bladder

BILE SALTS & GALL BLADDER   Bile Salts & Gall Bladder C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I frequently receive questions about gall bladder problems. My personal impression is that gall bladder problems occur most often in people who eat very low fat diets or those who are overweight. Obviously those are not the only factors!…


Listen NOW to Autogenics Training – Dr. Norm & Dr. Sergeys groundbreaking binaural beat meditation for training your brain to work with you and not against you! For almost 40 years I have personally done autogenic training daily. It has, by far, the greatest scientific proof of efficacy of any self-regulation approach. Developed originally in…


FLUORIDE IS POISON   Fluoride is Poison (C) C. Norman Shealy, M.D. Ph.D. I have known for at least 44 years that fluoride is poison. Yes, a small amount does help in the first 7 years of life to improve dental health. Beyond that it is highly toxic. Yes, in large dosages it helps fractures…

Soul Age

SOUL AGE SOUL AGE I have known Shepherd for a number of years and have enjoyed Michael readings. The following is one of the more interesting of his many teachings. Reproduced by permission. Michael channeled by Shepherd Hoodwin September 12, 2010, BlogTalkRadio chat Transcribed by Elisa Brock and Maggie Heinze Soul age, in the Michael…

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