The Cause of Disease

Which comes first, Inflammation or Free Radical Damage? And does it really matter? Our bodies depend upon 11 amino acids, Omega-3 fatty acids, and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Disease is caused by a deficiency of any one of these, or an excess of a few, as well as relatively small amounts of…

Move It or Lose It

Fortunately, I have always been very active and it pays in many ways. Although I sit for up to 6 or more hours at my computer, I sit on an exercise ball which requires constant adjusting of posture to stay on the Ball! Just as halitosis is better than no breath at all. Any movement…

Coffee Improves Longevity

In one of the few NEJM articles that does not deal with drugs, a recent one, NEJM, May 17, 2012, reported, in a huge study of over 400,000 people followed over 14 years, that coffee improves longevity. Those drinking 6 or more cups of coffee daily, BUT NOT SMOKING, enjoyed a 10% increase in longevity…

Social Networking versus Conscientiousness

You have heard from me repeatedly in the last year about conscientiousness, which is the single most critical personality trait for both health and longevity. In recent years social networking websites have dominated the news, but the types of social networks studied for 80 years in THE LONEVITY PROJECT did not include Facebook, Twitter, etc….

Oxytocin, The Essential Hormone for Happiness, Health and Longevity / Menopausal Bliss

Oxytocin—The Essential Hormone for Happiness, Health and Longevity C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Oxytocin deficiency has now been found in every known psychological, emotional disorder—AHHD, Autism, Anxiety, Depression, Gambling, OCD, Borderline personality, and Schizophrenia. And we need look no further than the first 7 years and nine months of life to discover the cause! It…

The Birth of Conscientious Psychology

The Birth of Conscientious Psychology Fifty years ago 3 events were the original foundation for the announcement today: I finished my neurosurgical training I began my life work to find safe ways to help people with chronic pain and depression The Association of Humanistic Psychology was founded Forty-four years ago a fourth event completed the…

The Luxury of Depression

The Luxury of Depression C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. In 1976 one of my patients remarked “I now realize that I cannot afford the luxury of depression!” Indeed, depression robs you of all of the good aspects of life and it robs you of health, longevity and even mind! In a study of individuals 85…

No More Heart Disease

NO MORE HEART DISEASE: How Nitric Oxide Can Prevent –Even Reverse-Heart Disease and Strokes By Dr. Louis J. Ignarro, Nobel Laureate, St. Martin’s Griffin, New York, 2005 First off—the critical issue of Nitric Oxide (NO) Prevents and helps reverse atherosclerosis Lowers blood pressure Is a powerful anti-oxidant Decreases blood clotting Decreases inflammation Decreases free radicals…

The Pill

The Pill I grew up before “The Pill”. However, I was aware from the introduction of contraceptive pills that they have an effect on the ENTIRE Endocrine System. Complications include: Dizziness Headache Nausea, bloating Depression Thrombophlebitis and pulmonary emboli Chest pain Shortness of breath Lumps in the breast Weakness of arms or legs Stroke Myocardial…

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