Past Life Therapy 2017

Since 1972 I have considered Past Life Therapy (PLT) to be the most effective psychotherapy in the world. Even a single session can be miraculous. Personally I have had at least two dozen sessions with 5 different therapists, as well as numerous personal recalls. I have also done many hundreds of sessions with clients and…

The Most Important Health Discovery of this Century!

Sapphire enhanced AdrenoScalar™ or zero point energy has been focused to produce the most effective stress-reducing, health restoration approach known. I firmly believe this could be the most important health discovery of this century! The benefits of sapphire enhanced AdrenoScalar™ include: Reduces adrenomedullin, the stress hormone which ordinarily increases throughout life. The longest living people…

What’s Missing in Medicine

This is one of the richest treasures I have read in the unlimited field of multidimensional life. I personally have done hundreds of past life therapy sessions, a few between lives, a handful of progressions to the future, and half a dozen exorcisms. Interestingly, Dr. Kenneth McCall in HEALING THE FAMILY TREE found that a…

Diet Failure

When most people bite into a cheeseburger, or eat french fries, or scarf down a brownie dessert, they know it’s not the best thing for them to eat… But man is it tough to not dive headfirst into junk food at times!? We’ve all been there, fighting with ourselves about eating something we know we…

The Biological Weight Loss Trap

Join EFT Tapping Expert Jessica Ortner as she explains exactly what tapping is, how it works, and why so many people are using it today with powerful results. Here is some of what she’ll cover in the webinar on how to use Tapping for Weight Loss: How to pinpoint your underlying unconscious blocks to releasing…

Wisdom Wednesday

sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage Wisdom Wednesday The answers you’ve been looking for, all in one place? Hi there, When you’re ready to get what you truly want in life — love, more money, a better job — it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the how. How…

Sprouts – World’s Best Food

sHEALyWellness   Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage SPROUTS–World’s BEST Food C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. & Sergey Sorin, M.D. Sprouts are by far the single best food in the world. Over 30 years ago it took time and effort to make sprouts. The jars, rinsing, and daily care…

Just One More Tool to Help You Thrive!

  sHEALyWellness   Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage A message from Dr. Sergey Sorin … “You have colon cancer. And, it’s already stage three. My advice to you is to get your things in order. I suggest you write a will.” Everyone goes through crisis periods during his or her life. …

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