How to Boost Oxytocin, Raise DHEA Levels (Anti-Stress Hormone) & Reduce Inflammation, Naturally.

SHEALY – SORIN BLISS OIL THERAPY The Sacred Rings As dependence on prescription opioid medications reaches an alarming high, many people suffering from conditions like chronic pain and anxiety are seeking relief from safer, natural home remedies, like essential oils. Aromatherapy, or the use of essential oils, dates back thousands of years, when the ancient…

The Answer May Be the Key to Your Health in This One

Until 325 when the emperor Constantine decreed it be removed from the Bible, reincarnation was part of Christianity. (See Geddes McGregor’s REINCARNATION IN CHRISTIANITY.) We do not believe in reincarnation—we know it from many personal experiences! There are thousands of cases where young children have talked about their personal earlier life and evidence that they…

How Optimism Affects Your Physical Health

Optimism directly affects physical health. It improves all aspects of health—immune, cardiovascular, brain function and even longevity. Interestingly, optimistic individuals are likely to be more conscientious, to choose the healthiest habits, and to have more friends. Expect the best and you are more likely to receive the best outcome. Optimists are generally happy people. Happiness…

Holistic vs Integrative Medicine

Many people are confused about the difference between integrative and holistic medicine. So, we are going to look at holistic vs integrative medicine. Once you know the difference, our belief is that you will understand which is more conducive to a healthier overall life. To truly understand the difference viz holistic vs integrative medicine, you…

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