Environmental Disaster

sHEALyWellness   Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage Environmental Disaster  In the last 80 years sperm counts have dropped dramatically, from over 130 million to 40 million! In addition the percentage of abnormal sperm has increased exponentially. Total levels below 20 million rapidly lead to infertility. The cause appears…

Avoid Wi-fi If You Have Amalgam Fillings

sHEALyWellness   Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage Avoid Wi-fi If You Have Amalgam Fillings! Effect of radiofrequency radiation from Wi-Fi devices on mercury release from amalgam restorations Silver/Mercury fillings are among the most poisonous of humanity’s stupidities! TALK TO DR. SHEALY ON THE RADIO: GENESIS  COMMUNICATIONS Every Wednesday, …

Poison is Still Poison

sHEALyWellness   Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage POISON IS STILL POISON http://prepareforchange.net/2017/02/21/horrifying-toxic-chemical-in-pepsi-known-to-cause-dna-breaking-fragmentation/ All “POP” is junk at best, poison eventually. The “food mafia” is at least as bad as the tobacco industry. TALK TO DR. SHEALY ON THE RADIO: GENESIS  COMMUNICATIONS Every Wednesday,  9:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m. CT,…

63% of Surgery is NOT Indicated!

sHEALyWellness   Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage 63% of surgery is NOT indicated! Probably a minimum of 63% of drugs not indicated either. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. & Sergey Sorin, M.D. Surgery or Drugs? Doctors’ Pay May Influence Choice By NICHOLAS BAKALAR Patients in a fee-for-service system…

Trying to Remember

sHEALyWellness   Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage TRYING TO REMEMBER! This is a well written reflection on the human condition that I recommend to anyone who needs some perspective on who we really are. Tom has generously made Trying to Remember available for anyone who needs such a…

Inexpensive, easy to use and downright helpful

sHEALyWellness    Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage A message from Dr. Sergey Sorin … One of the complimentary and alternative modalities that we all agree provides tremendous benefit is Hemi-Sync®.    What is Hemi-Sync? It’s unique audio-guidance process that works through the generation of complex, multi-layered audio signals,…

Occasionally Government Gets It Right

sHEALyWellness   Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage OCCASIONALLY GOVERNMENT GETS IT RIGHT I was not happy when government mandated replacement of incandescent with LED’s and fluorescent. Often the LED’s are exorbitantly expensive. Recently a friend brought a treasure trove of different LED’s he got on sale at Sam’s…

Does a Past Life Hold the Answer?

sHEALyWellness   Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage Does a past life hold the answer? Find out at this FREE virtual event… If you’re like many seekers on the wisdom path, you’ve probably been intrigued by the idea of past lives. You may have even had direct experience with…

International Journal of Holistic Medicine Vol 1

Editorial, First Issue April, 2017 Editors: C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. & Sergey Sorin, M.D. In 1971, over a decade after completing a neurological surgery residency at Massachusetts General Hospital, Shealy had reached a sense that conventional medicine was fairly good at managing acute illness and pretty bad at taking care of chronic problems. This…

Everyone is a Healer! Yes, You!

sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage A message from Dr. Sergey Sorin … Dr. Norm Shealy and I regularly host workshops together. We also attend conferences so that we can continue to learn and share with you. Very recently, we attended the North American Association of Photobiomulation Therapy/Nitro…

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