Why You Need Stress Management Tools for Your Health & Wellbeing

In this article:  What is stress? What type of problems can stress cause? How to Neutralize Stress Breath Exercise to Reduce Stress Biogenics self-regulation to Neutralize Stress Have you ever been stressed out?Haven’t we all. ** Insert Eye Roll** If you are stressed right now and you want to immediately begin to neutralize your stress […]

6 Reasons NOW Is The Time To Take Charge Of Your Health

Woman doing yoga on a hill at sunset.

I’ll wait for Monday…the first of the month…after my birthday…New Year’s Day….You know the drill. You want to take charge of your health, but you do not want to change your habits. So back and forth you go – wanting to be healthy, putting off change, convincing yourself you can “fix it when you’re ready.” […]

Who’s Responsible for Your Health?

Man thinking about who's responsible for his health.

Humans are stubborn creatures. Reinventing the wheel, waiting until it’s too late, not learning lessons or taking responsibility…as a species, we seem to champion these flaws. And we are especially skilled at them where our health is concerned. How often has your health taken a back seat to a full plate of obligations, habits, and, […]

How to Take A Holistic Approach to Nutrition

A healthy meal of salmon, greens, pine nuts and tomatoes.

Taking a holistic approach to nutrition means you are focused on the full expanse of nutrition your body, mind and spirit needs. It also means you choose to consciously avoid certain so-called foods. We will start our view of a holistic approach to nutrition by focusing on what you should consume. Perhaps the single most […]

How To Achieve Optimal Health Daily


Every single day, we are faced with challenges to our health. Yet, we can take small, but deliberate, steps toward optimal health daily. Were you born with a head start to optimal health? If you were conceived by healthy parents wanting a child, it is most likely that you were born healthy. If your parents […]

What Causes an Overactive Immune System?


As with every illness, stress is the basic “cause.” The causes of an overactive immune system or autoimmune illnesses are no different. However, what makes autoimmune illnesses unique are their wide variation and severity. And with many autoimmune diseases there is genetic predisposition. Here is an alphabetized list of the more common autoimmune diseases. The […]

How To Address Anxiety and Hypertension From A Holistic Perspective

Beautiful mountain lake scene

The primary response to stress is anxiety and hypertension is just one of the side effects of stress. Stress may be physical, emotional, chemical, mental or spiritual.  The most prevalent stress in the past 18 months is the social implications of the pandemic. But since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution we have increasingly been […]

Tips to Maintain a Healthy Weight

Happy little girl and dog playing together on the beach.

Seventy-four percent of Americans are overweight. They need to know how to maintain a healthy weight – if they want to have a healthy and happy life. Forty-three percent of Americans are just plain obese with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or above. Obesity is now the number one cause of premature death, […]

How to Change Your Lifestyle to be Healthy


When it comes to knowing how to change your lifestyle to be healthy you first need to understand how it is unhealthy. And you need to know that you are not alone in having some unhealthy habits. A whopping 97.5% of Americans are lacking one to all five of the essential health habits. This means […]

What Does Taking A Holistic Approach to Medicine Mean?


To understand what taking a holistic approach to medicine means, you need to understand how we got to the need for it. For many thousands of years medicine involved mostly natural approaches. But drugs began to be part of medicine thousands of years ago. Opium has been used for over 5000 years and cannabis perhaps […]

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