Scientific Mainstream and Conventional Medicine

SCIENTIFIC MAINSTREAM AND CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE THE SCIENTIFIC MAINSTREAM & CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D Medscape recently had an article “Is CAM always a Scam?” The gist of the discussion was that a majority of the panel speakers were truly IGNORANT—ignoring facts! Most were opposed to &/or considered alternative practitioners quacks. Now I ask […]


CONSCIOUSNESS Consciousness C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Fifty years ago, Vernon Mountcastle, the great neurophysiologist, and I had a lengthy discussion about the seat of consciousness. At that time we were discussing just the concept of being humanly aware, without all the philosophical nuances of the word. From the point of view of a neurosurgeon, […]

Oxytocin Deficiency Syndrome

Personality and mood are perhaps more multidimensional than anything we perceive. They are conditioned by our astrological signs, our karma our genetics and perhaps, most of all, by our environment from the time of conception at least until adulthood. It also appears that the emotional environment during gestation may be more critical than almost all. […]


IGNORANCE vs STUPIDITY Ignorance vs Stupidity C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Ignorance is ignoring facts; stupidity is a lack of intelligence. The vitamin D prescribed by physicians is D 2 which is highly inferior to the natural D 3 produced in the body. At least some of the vitamin D “fortified” (a true oxymoron, somewhat […]

Healthy Cities

HEALTHY CITIES C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. During one of my radio programs (Thursdays, 2:07 PM, CT,, at a newsbreak, I learned that Springfield, MO has the dubious distinction of being the 4th sleepiest city in the country. Shocked, I searched the internet and learned that, based on prescriptions for sleep drugs, Springfield is […]

FDA at Work

THE FDA AT WORK C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I will just list some facts and let you come to the conclusion. In the 1960’s the FDA invited me to be on an Advisory Committee to evaluate Chymopapain, a purified meat tenderizer being promoted to cure ruptured discs. The advisory committee of 20 physicians reviewed […]

Medical & Counseling Intuition

MEDICAL & COUNSELING INTUITION C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. In 1973 I received a $50,000 grant from a Fortune 500 company to study “psychic diagnosis”, with the caveat that I could not mention their name. I had a ball visiting and testing around the country 75 individuals who had a reputation of being intuitively helpful. […]

Pimps for the Pharmacomafia

PIMPS FOR THE PharmacoMafia C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. It is no longer news that many “leaders” in psychiatry are paid by the PharmacoMafia to inflate results to get an increasing number of people on their mostly dangerous and useless drugs. On June 2, BBC released the latest recommendations from The Wolfson Institute by none […]


INTO THE LIGHT This magnificent painting was recently donated to Holos Institutes of Health by Dr. & Mrs. Michael Morton. It now hangs in the Holos Chapel. This painting is particularly cherished by me as it was the inspiration of Dr. Evarts Loomis that motivated me to develop the American Holistic Medical Association. The preliminary […]

Natural Health

NATURAL HEALTH Stand for Natural Health or be Banned by the Establishment C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.   For 2000 years there has been an eternal battle between the Machinists and the Naturalists. Machinists believe they are God, that “their” way is the only acceptable way. And they do everything in their power to prevent […]

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