Statins Suck!

If there really was a NEED for statin drugs, they MIGHT be worth the risks. On the other hand, there is no need for them. There are many better and safer ways to optimize cholesterol levels. Statins are rife with risks that anyone taking or contemplating taking them should understand. Statins clearly increase the risks […]
Past Life Therapy – The Best Psychotherapy
PAST LIFE THERAPY –The Best Psychotherapy I just learned of the death of Denys Kelsey, the Patriarch of Past Life Therapy. In 1974 I had the great fortune to have a past life therapy session with Denys Kelsey, at a time when his wife, Joan Grant, was still alive. Having done many hundreds of PLT […]
Why America Flunks Health
WHY AMERICA FLUNKS HEALTH The United States has just dropped to number 41 in longevity, down from number 11 a few years ago. Click here: News – U.S. Lags Behind 41 Nations in Life Span – AOL News Why? It is certainly NOT because of inadequate medical care. In fact Medical ''Care'' is at the […]
Killer Cold Virus and Immunity
KILLER COLD VIRUS AND IMMUNITY Recent headlines include the link: Killer Cold Virus Ad14 Appears in U.S. There have been serious viral and bacterial diseases as long as we can tell from both recorded history and archeological records. Bubonic plague, tuberculosis, AIDS, and even influenza have at times wiped out millions of people. However, in […]
OBESITY What is obesity? The generally accepted terminology today is a Body Mass Index of 30 or above. ”Overweight” is considered a BMI of 25 to 29 and morbid obesity is a BMI of 40 or above. One-third of Americans are overweight and another third are obese. You can find your own BMI easily on […]
Sacral Shear

Twenty-two years ago after a morning jog followed by my usual yoga limbering, a pattern of over 10 years, I developed excruciating left buttocks and sciatic pain. The pain did not abate. Finally, the following morning I saw an Osteopathic physician who diagnosed a sacral shear. It took him 45 minutes to correct the shear. […]
Prostate Health
PROSTATE HEALTH Other than the heart, the weakest organ in men is the prostate. Prostatitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) and cancer of the prostate are remarkably common. The vast majority of men will develop one or more of these problems at some point in life. Although the lifetime incidence of –symptomatic prostatitis is reported at […]
Sicko & Third Party Rape
SICKO & THIRD PARTY RAPE Michael Moore’s film, SICKO, is powerful indictment of the United States, not just for its insane Medical System, but for is equally insane government and the entire military-industrial complex. The legal system, the PharmacoMafia, the Insurance Mafia and, indeed, the greed and corruption of Big Business are all at the […]
HOMOCYSTEINE REVISITED THE H* FACTOR SOLUTION *(Homocysteine, the Best Single Indicator of Whether You are Likely to Live Long or Die Young) By James Brady, M.D. and Patrick Holford Basic Health Publications, Inc, North Bergen, N.J., 2003, $14.95 This superb little book contains 220 scientific references related to homocysteine research. And while I have long […]
FETISHES – OR THE NUTS AMONG THE BERRIES ? FETISHES – OR THE NUTS AMONG THE BERRIES Many years there was a book titled, THE NUTS AMONG THE BERRIES. And, throughout history there have been many extremists, as there are today. Indeed there is fundamentalism in nutrition, as well as in politics and religion. Today, […]