The Joy of Masturbation

As a Boy Scout in the 40’s I knew instinctively that the Boy Scout Manual was a huge lie. It stated unequivocally that masturbation led to everything from acne to seizures, epilepsy, and insanity! Fortunately, I never bought the lie! To me, masturbation was normal and healthy and I indulged from at least age 4, […]
During my neurosurgical residency at Massachusetts General Hospital, I was appalled that the treatment for chronic pain consisted of either cutting the front half of the spinal cord or a frontal lobotomy! The cordotomy led to many complications: 10% new post-cordotomy pain far worse than the original pain 10% paralysis 10% paralysis of bladder and […]
Tired Of Being Tired?

MED MD reports that one million Americans have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and that tens of millions have chronic fatigue but do not officially fulfill the criteria to be called CFS. For that elegant diagnosis, one has to have a wide variety of symptoms including poor memory and concentration, increased fatigue with minimal physical or […]
sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage Total Recovery: Solving the Mystery of Chronic Pain and Depression Dr. Gary Kaplan, DO, with Donna Beech. Dr. Kaplan is a pioneer of integrative medicine, a clinical associate professor at Georgetown University, director of the Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine, […]
Face Off
sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage Face Off Now’s the time It’s time we’ve faced That “research” known as ‘evidence based’. Who plays? The one who pays. Who determines wins the race… Drugs and more drugs-a disgrace! Does ANYTHING warrant second place? Miles and miles of […]
sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage ACETAMINOPHEN TOXICITY C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I have always considered acetaminophen, “the drug doctors prescribe most” or the “#1 drug doctors prescribe for pain relief” to be a great placebo scam when it comes to pain relief. It is […]
sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage THE BEST QUINONE C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I first became interested in quinones in the 80’s when I was invited to study the Seuterman Homeopathic Protocols. Among other staples of that school are homeopathic preparations of the entire Krebs […]
Sex Sells
sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage SEX SELLS C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Just kidding! Of course I get a report on how many subscribers open my e-newsletters and THE JOY OF MASTURBATION was an all-time best seller, a full 30% higher than average! I also received […]
sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage LISTERINE Naturals® C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Oxymoronic Fraud of the year! Natural??? Safe, antiseptic?? HMMM. Eucalyptol, Menthol, Methyl Salicylate, Thymol, PLUS 21.6% “alcohol”. Hopefully it is at least ethyl alcohol and not isopropyl! Personally I would not trust Johnson […]
sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage ISSSEEM ANNUAL MEETING, JUNE 11-14 at Unity Village I’ll bet there with lots of other great people. Join us! SPOTLIGHT on C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. is a neurosurgeon trained at Massachusetts General Hospital. Some […]