Homocysteine Levels

Man having blood drawn to test his homocysteine levels.

The most treatable ”cause” of atherosclerosis is homocysteine which is several times as dangerous as is cholesterol. Homocysteine is a metabolic product of methionine metabolism and even moderate levels may be seriously damaging. The ”normal” range is approximately 4 to 13 micro mol/liter. My experience strongly supports the optimal level at 7 or less. There […]

Migraine Relief

Woman with a migraine holding her head and wishing for relief.

Migraine is one of the most easily treated disorders. It affects about 17% of women and 9% of men. It is highly affected by menstrual cycles and particularly aggravated by the PILL, which I think is dangerous for anyone. You have many options to consider for migraine relief – both prescription and alternative. There are […]

Flu Vaccine: Not to Worry

Despite all the angst over the shortage of flu vaccine, I am certainly not worried. In fact I do not get such a shot, despite the fact that I am exposed to many individuals, travel a lot and am over the age ‘recommended’ for vaccination. There are a host of reasons. First, many individuals have […]

Calcitonin Hormone — The Key to a Strong Skeleton?

Mature woman contemplating a question.

Calcitonin, a rarely mentioned hormone, is one of the big 3 in maintaining health as we mature. This unique hormone, produced in the thyroid gland, is responsible for the strength and integrity of your skeleton. Since hip fractures from osteoporosis are a major contributor to premature death in the elderly, calcitonin is particularly important after […]

Lithium Orotate for a Youthful Brain?

Man who has a youthful brain because of taking lithium orotate.

I began using lithium orotate as a safe alternative to prescription lithium carbonate over 25 years ago, based on the recommendations of Dr. Hans Nieper in THE HOLISTIC HEALTH REVOLUTION. In general, lithium orotate has been effective in treating most patients with depression, even bi-polar depression, as well as a useful adjunct in ADHD, migraine […]

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