Better sleep, healing, and enhanced well-being through Biogenics Audio

Over 40 years of research shows how specific sound patterns can lead the brain to various states of consciousness ranging from deep relaxation or sleep to expanded awareness and other “extraordinary states” which can be helpful in many areas, such as managing pain, enhancing sleep and reducing anxiety.

Dr. Sergey Sorin’s Near Death Experience

Today we have Dr. Sergey Sorin sharing his NDE story where after working long hours as a doctor in emergency, he fell asleep while driving home and had a car crash that briefly took his present life faculties to a new vista behind the veils.

400,000 Reasons You Need To Have Healthy Habits

The latest published data on annual deaths in the U.S. in 2014 stated that there were 2,626,418 deaths. Heart disease was listed as the number one cause at over 500,000 and cancer number two at over 350,000.

Holism, Love & Health


Holism is the study and practice of the whole. It comes from the Greek word Holos, which includes both whole and holy. Thus, love and spirituality are inseparable.

Small Changes Big Shifts with Dr. Michelle Robin

Headshot of Dr. C. Norman Shealy.

One of Dr. Robin’s favorite guests is back for another episode – Dr. Norm Shealy of Shealy-Sorin Wellness. Dr. Shealy knew from age 4 that he wanted to be a physician and by age 16 knew he wanted to be a neurosurgeon so it is no surprise he is still changing the world of holistic […]

Think and Be Healthy


Although movement can be the healthiest of all habits, even that simple activity requires proper THINKING!

Health is Simple


If everyone in the U.S. had the basic health habits, average life expectancy would go from current 78 to 100! 97.3% of Americans have one to 5 bad habits.

DHEA : The Youth and Health Hormone


DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone, is easily the single most important indicator of health reserves. In literally thousands of individuals, I have found that half of all adults are truly deficient and almost half have lower than optimal levels of DHEA.

The Fountain Of Youth With Dr. Shealy

Last week I appeared on the “Good Intentions Show” with Tim Ray, where we discussed: DHEA: the youth and health hormone Oxytocin, the essential hormone for happiness Telomeres – the key to health and longevity Essential health habits Listen below!

My closest spiritual counselor – I call him G for guide.

Headshot of Dr. C. Norman Shealy.

An excerpt from “Conversations with G – A Physician’s Encounter with Heaven” – In December 1984 a new phase developed in my dance with the divine. For some time I had been musing on the idea that we all have a personal angel. One night I awoke at midnight totally wired and could not go back to sleep. Suddenly I began hearing voices, 14 of them.