Junk Food and Junk Drugs

Junk food cooking in a fryer.

Once upon a time, before 1945 or so, there were relatively few prescription drugs. Now there are literally thousands. Interestingly, prior to 1945, 90% of food was raised within 50 miles of its consumption. Pop, white bread, and sugar were the only significant junk foods. In the 1960’s we had the development of Medicare which […]

How To Improve Your Memory and Enhance Your Energy Naturally & Without Caffeine

Happy man who has discovered the secret to improving your memory without caffeine

Most opt for a cup of coffee or an energy drink when they feel the need to improve their memory, sharpen their thoughts, and boost their energy levels. However, caffeine can often leave you feeling overstimulated. Fortunately, there are safe, natural alternatives that can provide you the memory improvement and energy enhancement you’re looking for. […]

Anti-Inflammatory Herbs Versus Drugs

Anti-inflammatory herb turmeric and anti-inflammatory drugs are side-by-side.

Inflammation is perhaps the most common cause of pain. Inflammatory reactions are major contributors to Alzheimer’s disease and to Atherosclerosis, including coronary heart disease. Free radicals and C-Reactive protein are the chief lab tests indicating an inflammatory response. Inflammation may occur because of an infection but also is a reaction to trauma and toxins. Anti-inflammatory […]

Libido and Sexuality

Happy 50+ couple who have discovered the natural way to boost their libido.

Libido — the vital impulse or energy motivating human behavior. The sexual urge or lust. Wilhelm Reich, the second most important psychiatrist in history, (Carl Jung is undoubtedly the greatest; guess number three!) emphasized the critical nature of orgasm in health. He believed it was an essential balancer of life energy. Freud (my concept of […]

The BASICS of BIOGENICS – Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Man sitting outside practicing one of his healthy lifestyle habits.

In 1977, I created the concept of Biogenics, the ”genesis of life,” with my first major book, 9O DAYS TO SELF-HEALTH. Initially, this included a major ”software” program for biofeedback and cassette tapes of a number of the mental exercises from the book. Over the ensuing decades, our research has expanded so that I can […]

A Review of Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution

Healthy foods like these are part of the diabetes solution.

A Review of DR. BERNSTEIN’S DIABETES SOLUTION-Revised and Updated. The Complete Guide To Achieving Normal Blood Sugars. Little Brown and Co., New York This remarkable book is a prime example of the major constipation, indeed obstruction, of the American Medical System. Richard Bernstein is an M.D., juvenile, type 1 diabetic since age 12. Originally an […]

Lowering High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Naturally

Woman doing sit-ups as part of her exercise routine to keep her high sensitivity c-reactive protein at optimal levels.

For some 8 months I have been exploring natural and safe ways to lower High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein. There is virtually no circumstance under which I would take statin drugs. Personally I consider them dangerous and one of the next epidemics of The Emperor’s New Drugs. It may take another 20 years but ultimately they […]

Castor Oil Uses And Benefits – The Palma Christi

Woman dispensing a drop of castor oil into the palm of her hand.

In September 1972, I was introduced to the Edgar Cayce readings, undoubtedly the most studied material channeled by an exceptionally talented intuitive. The concept that most intrigued me initially was Cayce’s recommendation of castor oil packs for a wide variety of problems. Dr. William McGarey of the ARE Clinic in Phoenix has written extensively on […]

Calcitonin Hormone — The Key to a Strong Skeleton?

Mature woman contemplating a question.

Calcitonin, a rarely mentioned hormone, is one of the big 3 in maintaining health as we mature. This unique hormone, produced in the thyroid gland, is responsible for the strength and integrity of your skeleton. Since hip fractures from osteoporosis are a major contributor to premature death in the elderly, calcitonin is particularly important after […]



One of Sigmund Freud’s most accurate and startling discoveries about the human psyche was the pervasiveness of the ”death wish.” Eric Berne took this idea further with his concept that we set the age and cause of death at an early age. For over 10 years before his death, he told colleagues that his life […]