Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
Body Mass Index MUST be within 19 to 24 SUPPLEMENTS: Dr. Shealy’s Essentials, according to body weight Chromium picolinate or Tri-Chromium, 1000 micrograms daily Gugulipid, 250 mg, 3 daily Gymnema, 250 mg, 3 daily Zinc picolinate, 50 mg Calcium citrate, 1500 mg daily Magnesium lotion, 2 teaspoons on skin twice daily Check your temperature – […]
Red Tea – The Best Antioxidant Drink
Red Tea – The Best Antioxidant Drink Green tea has had a great deal of PR in the last few years and even regular black tea has some strong evidence for a positive effects on health. But Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) or Red tea has the best evidence of all–no caffeine, no calories, significant antioxidants, vitamin […]
Reducing Free Radicals
REDUCING FREE RADICALS Free radicals are metabolic by-products of metabolism consisting of any molecules with an ”odd” number of electrons, mainly OH and HO2, which act as major oxidizing agents, damaging tissue just as oxygen rusts iron. The major biological changes associated with diseases, aging, and eventually death, are the result of excess free radical […]
Chocolate Bliss: The Benefits Of Eating Dark Chocolate
The neurotransmitter anandamide initiates the blissful benefits of eating dark chocolate. According to Wikipedia: Anandamide, also known as arachidonylethanolamide or arachidonoylethanolamine or AEA, is a naturally occurring endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter found in the brain of animals, as well as other organs. It was isolated, and its structure elucidated by William Devane and Lumir Hanuš in […]
Many years there was a book titled, THE NUTS AMONG THE BERRIES. And, throughout history there have been many extremists, as there are today. Indeed there is fundamentalism in nutrition, as well as in politics and religion. Today, some of the fundamentalists are vegans (4% of Americans who are as loud as the atheists) who […]
Losing Weight and Cholesterol with the Broda Barnes Diet
Broda Barnes, M.D. published his classic book, HYPOTHYROIDISM: THE UNSUSPECTED ILLNESS in 1976, (Harper and Row). He felt that 40% of Americans suffered from hypothyroidism, as demonstrated by low body temperature. He emphasized the remarkable array of illnesses that were inadequately treated because of the failure of physicians to diagnose concurrent hypothyroidism: fatigue, migraine and […]
Youthful Aging – From a Death Wish to A Life Wish
YOUTHFUL AGING-FROM A DEATH WISH TO A LIFE WISH Suppose there is a healthy life expectancy of 150 years. Would you take advantage of it? After 13 years as a neurosurgeon, I pioneered successful non-surgical rehabilitation of patients with chronic pain and depression. Eighty-five percent of over 30,000 patients recovered and were able to live […]
Antioxidant Nutrition
Other than air and water, we need amino acids, essential fats, vitamins, minerals and a wide variety of antioxidants. There are eleven essential amino acids, a dozen essential vitamins, several essential fats and well over 5000 antioxidants. As I have discussed in earlier articles, we can live with a remarkable variety of diets – ranging […]
This product is a proprietary extract of North American ginseng, developed and available in Canada for 10 years and endorsed by their hockey association. Initial studies with the Edmonton Oilers reported that the players had fewer colds and flu. Researchers at Eastern Virginia Medical School conducted two separate double blind, placebo controlled studies, giving COLD-fX […]
Silver for Health – Argentyn 23
SILVER FOR HEALTH-ARGENTYN 23 Colloidal Silver was widely used by physicians in the first 4 decades of the 20th century – at times it was given intravenously to cure otherwise fatal infections. Unfortunately when the PharmacoMafia introduced one antibiotic after another, use of silver was abandoned and even ridiculed by The Establishment. Now we have […]