Proteins – The Foundation of Life

PROTEINS – THE FOUNDATION OF LIFE Although not an ideal diet, proteins are the most essential of all foods. You cannot make DNA without them! You can make carbohydrates and fats from them, and of course most protein foods also contain some fat. In order of quality, the following is a good start: Eggs Fish […]

Curious About Eating For Health? Here’s What You Need To Know

If you're eating for health, this plate of green beans, fresh tomatoes, quinoa and salmon fits the bill.

Food should taste good and should be good for you. That is the basis of eating for health. Unfortunately, in the past 60 years nutrition has changed more than in the previous 10,000 years! Until World War II, the vast majority of food was grown within 50 miles of consumption. Now the vast majority of […]

Green Tea – EGCG

GREEN TEA – EGCG Green tea has gained great popularity in the past few years, for very healthy reasons. Unfortunately, many people, including me, do not like its flavor – just slightly less than weed tea. It does come with many possible flavorings, such as peach and mango, which make it quite delicious. On the […]

Lavender, Tea Tree Oil & Phytoestrogens

LAVENDER, TEA TREE OIL, & PHYTOESTROGENS Sugar and spice and everything nice does not necessarily apply to lavender oil, tea tree oil and possibly many more. Actually, there are over 300 foods containing phytoestrogens-chemicals essentially like estradiol. The highest concentration of phytoestrogens is in soy beans, clover, alfalfa, legumes of all kinds, licorice, ginseng and […]

Eat Low Glycemic

Beautifully plated low glycemic meal that is ready to eat.

You may be familiar with the glycemic index if you know someone with diabetes. People with diabetes eat low glycemic foods to help with managing their blood sugar. If you’re not familiar with the glycemic index, here is a quick definition for you. The glycemic index (GI) is a number from 0 to 100 that […]


VEGGIE VEGETABLES In PRIMARY SALAD VEGGIES, I covered the basics for salads and, of course, all of those are veggie vegetables. In addition to one great salad daily, you should have one or two servings of these other true vegetables. Alfalfa sprouts Artichoke Asparagus Avocado Bean sprouts Brown rice — best counted as starch Cardoon […]

Chia – Salvia Hispanica – The World’s Best Food?

Two yogurt parfaits with Salvia Hispanica, blueberries & kiwi.

Salvia – to save. Salvia Hispanica has been eaten for over 5000 years and may be the single best all-around food! Just as one can theoretically live on fish alone, blood and milk (as some tribes do), one could obtain a healthier and more sustaining life by consuming nothing but salvia. It contains 19 amino […]

Devil’s Claw

DEVIL’S CLAW With the enchanting name of Devil’s Claw, it is amazing that anyone ever tried this herb, Harpagophytum radix, which has had widespread use in treating a variety of pain problems, most commonly arthritic conditions. Analgesic, antiphlogistic and anti-inflammatory effects have been reported. Interestingly, the effects are not immediate and the pain relieving benefit […]

Water, Water Everywhere – And Not a Drop to Drink!

WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE – AND NOT A DROP TO DRINK! We can live about 3 minutes without oxygen and about 2 weeks without water. Prior to 1900, contaminated water was one of the most common causes of death in young children. And today contaminated water is still a major problem in many undeveloped countries. Chlorination […]

Reducing Free Radicals

REDUCING FREE RADICALS Free radicals are metabolic by-products of metabolism consisting of any molecules with an ”odd” number of electrons, mainly OH and HO2, which act as major oxidizing agents, damaging tissue just as oxygen rusts iron. The major biological changes associated with diseases, aging, and eventually death, are the result of excess free radical […]

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