Mood, Food and Behavior

Woman sitting on the floor, leaning against her unmade bed and crying.

With 40% of Americans clinically depressed and another 40% having subclinical depressive miasma, how much is the result of crummy nutrition? Is it possible that the majority of it is because 80% of the food eaten is just plain junk? I believe it is because of the relationship between mood, food and behavior. Forty-five percent […]

Skinny Genes Update

Never too late to catch up and get on the bandwagon to Skinny Genes And hurry to get in on the free al-in tonight:

Tapping to Your Optimal Weight

Suppose you could optimize your weight without one of those impossible diets?? As always, Dawson Church has proven the way with SKINNY GENES! What makes Skinny Genes different from the many other weight loss programs available is: The Skinny Genes program has the clinical research data that shows an average weight loss of 12 lbs. […]

A ‘New’ Immune Health Enhancer

A “new” Immune Health Enhancer C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. It is being used successfully against cancer, MS, epilepsy and conditions as far reaching as sleep apnea. No “high” is obtained and side effects are almost non-existent. The extract is not patentable so of course the PharmacoMafia will avoid it, meaning most docs won’t hear […]

Everything Affects Everything

Because everything affects everything, deficiencies of ANY essential nutrient can cause multiple problems. In fact, at least 85% of ALL illnesses are the result of deficiencies in essential nutrients, exercise and/or stress management! Below is a list of the most common nutritional deficiencies, and there are many others: Magnesium Vitamin D 3 B 1, 2, […]


Exorphins C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.   Exorphins are opioid peptides (bits of amino acids) that largely are byproducts of digestion of wheat and milk, and which create a myriad of symptoms. They do often interfere with our normal endorphin systems, the intrinsic opioids which are critical regulators of mood. Beta endorphin is the best […]

Aluminum Toxicity

Man holding an aluminum can of beer in a plastic cup.

Aluminum is one of the 8 most common elements on earth, representing 8.13 % of all earth material. It is present in soil and in water. Unfortunately, aluminum has been ADDED in increasing quantities to water, vaccines, cooking utensils, beverage cans, and anti-acids. All of this aluminum means we must be aware of aluminum toxicity. […]

Mineral Deficiency

MINERAL DEFICIENCY C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. To be optimally healthy we need a wide variety of amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. We do NOT need carbohydrates per se, as we can make them out of amino acids and fats! Common DEFICIENCIES in minerals include: *Magnesium. Most magnesium is in bones and […]


Man wiping his nose with a tissue.

Allergies are among the most common complaints, with gastrointestinal problems from wheat and milk at the top of the list. Seasonal allergies are most often caused by pollens and are a major reason for the huge promotion of antihistamines, which most often clobber alertness and brain function. Fortunately, there is an alternative. Antronex® is a […]

In Case You Do Not Grow Your Own

In Case you do not GROW Your OWN C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Most store foods are highly contaminated, with pesticides and are harvested prematurely. Over 3 decades ago FOOD FOR NAUGHT emphasized the problem with commercial foods. CLEANEST FOODS 1. Onions 2. Sweet Corn 3. Pineapple 4. Avocado 5. Asparagus 6. Sweet peas 7. […]

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