Bile Salt & Gall Bladder

BILE SALTS & GALL BLADDER   Bile Salts & Gall Bladder C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I frequently receive questions about gall bladder problems. My personal impression is that gall bladder problems occur most often in people who eat very low fat diets or those who are overweight. Obviously those are not the only factors! […]

Antidote to Hypertension and ED

? ANTIDOTE TO HYPERTENSION AND ED  PERFUSIA-SR —-Antidote to Hypertension and ED (C) C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Hypertension is one of the most prevalent and preventable diseases known. Of course, proper diet, normal Body Mass Index of 18 to 24, regular exercise, adequate magnesium, and stress management are all critical. Equally important is adequate […]

Hearing Aids

HEARING AIDS   HEARING AIDS (C) C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D Almost everything in the Medical System is a financial scam–drugs, hospital costs, insurance, lab tests, etc. But other than cancer drugs–which hold the world record for pure greed–hearing aids are right up there with the worst of the best! About 8 years ago, I […]


THE FALLACY OF DRUGS INSTEAD OF WISDOM THE FALLACY OF DRUGS INSTEAD OF WISDOM C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. BBC News reported on July 23, 2010, that Dr. Gerard Karsenty of Columbia University had demonstrated that “bone-strengthening” drugs may interfere with normal osteocalcin, essential for turnover of old bone, which also is crucial for glucose […]


NEANDERTHAL DOCS (c) C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. It appears that a huge number of physicians and “scientists” disparage the use of supplements. I consider them more ignorant than Neanderthals! They obviously are truly ignorant–ignoring facts. At least every week another study is published showing the benefits of supplements. The latest: Effect of long-term treatment […]

Medical Intuition: A Science of the Soul, Your Awakening to Wholeness

MEDICAL INTUITION: A SCIENCE OF THE SOUL, YOUR AWAKENING TO WHOLENESS Last week’s article brought many favorable comments and one very angry psychiatric nurse. Just FYI, consider this: An excerpt from a wonderful article by Lynne McTaggart: “The damage caused by psychiatric medicine is only the tip of the iceberg. I began to look into […]


IRRITABLE AND OTHER BOWEL PROBLEMS ? IRRITABLE AND OTHER BOWEL PROBLEMS C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ?Do you have any of these: Constipation, with or without intermittent diarrhea Diarrhea Foul smelling stools Gaseousness Bloating Abdominal pain or bloating Restless sleep, with grinding of teeth More than 2 or 3 bowel movements daily Rectal/anal itching Indigestion […]


C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. In general, I do not find most of the somewhat radical “conventional” approaches to help many people. In fact I would not use conventional chemotherapy. Dr. Shealy’s Recommended Cancer Therapy Protocols Nutrition & Supplements Dr. Shealy’s Essentials 4 per day Dr. Shealy’s Youth Formula 4 per day Magnesium lotion, 2 […]

Short Legs Syndrome

SHORT LEG SYNDROME C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Leg length inequality has been virtually ignored by M.D.’s but it is routinely evaluated by chiropractors, some D.O.’s and many body therapists. It appears that some inequality of the two legs is present in almost all people and it may be relatively inconsequential. However, the great osteopathic […]


ALLERGIES & THE COCA TEST C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Unquestionably it is the most accurate way to test for allergies. To make it simple, check your pulse before you get out of bed. Then check it 30 and 60 minutes after each meal. If your pulse goes up 10 points or more when you […]

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