Smoking Death
sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage SMOKING DEATH C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Smoking has regained the distinction of being the number one cause of “premature death”. Gosh, and only a couple of years ago, obesity was in top spot! The latest super report on diseases […]
Energy Medicine Today
sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage HAPPY VALENTINE Don’t miss the BIG ENERGY MEDICINE EVENT of 2014!! DETAILS BELOW! Join us for the ISSSEEM Conference _June 12 -14, 2014 Place: Unity Village Campus, Suburb of Kansas City, MO Information:
Solution to the Medical Fiasco
sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage SOLUTION TO THE MEDICAL FIASCO C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. First, I had a typo in the date of the JAMA article–it was November 13. The solution is SIMPLE! Take responsibility for your health!! 84 % of costs are for […]
The U.S. Medical Fiasco
sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage THE U.S. MEDICAL FIASCO In the JAMA, Nov.30, 2013, vol. 30, # 18, p. 1947-1981, an extensive of Medical Expenses from 1980 to 2011 revealed that: 15.7% of all the workforce are employed Cost $2.7 Trillion dollars per year now, […]
sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage ARE ANTI-DEPRESSANTS MORE HARMFUL THAN — USELESS? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. To some extent it is a tossup as to whether they are more useless or more harmful! Four distinct studies have demonstrated that anti-depressants are useless. That is, since three-quarters […]
Genetic Plasticity
GENETIC PLASTICITY C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. We have known for many decades that the brain is very adaptable or “plastic”, with ability to develop new neurons and connections. During the past decade it has become equally clear that our genes are remarkably adaptable, with many ways to turn them on or off. The field […]
Medicine Today
MEDICINE TODAY: Have we improved in the last 200 years? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. In 1972 I reviewed the original operative notes, X-Rays and original history and physical exam on over 100 failed back surgery patients and concluded that 80% should never have had surgery, 10% really did have rupture discs and in 10% […]
Healing Heart Disease with Chelation Therapy
HEALING HEART DISEASE with CHELATION THERAPY By Roy Heilbron, M.D. & Jim Healthy To the few physicians with common sense and experience, chelation has been a major player in reducing heart disease for over 40 years. The ESTABLISHMENT, owned by the PharmacoMafia, has vigorously denied the benefits and often severely discredited or even disbarred those […]
GcMAF – Antidote for Cancer?
GcMAF—Antidote for Cancer? Everyone with cancer or concerned about cancer should read and store this information. Here is a link to the most comprehensive book on GcMAF Nagalase is a protein made by all cancer cells and viruses (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and others). Nagalase causes immunodeficiency. Normally present […]
Top Health Problems, Top Risks

Watching the top illnesses and risks, the shift over a few decades is indeed interesting. According to the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, in the world at large, as recently as 1990 the top disabling health problems were lower respiratory infection diarrhea preterm birth ischemic heart disease stroke In 2010 the top disabling health […]