How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally Fast
Table of Contents Have you ever been in a situation where your blood pressure suddenly spiked? The symptoms of extremely high blood pressure, such as headaches, may be familiar to those who suffer from high blood pressure. While medications can help keep your blood pressure under control, some actions cause spikes. Knowing how to immediately […]
How to Boost your Immune System 7 Ways
How much do you know about your immune system, and do you know how to properly boost it? Having a healthy immune system is always brought up during cold and flu season, but when Covid came into our world it became an even bigger topic. The strength of a person’s immune system played a major […]
What Are Binaural Beats and What Are the Benefits of Listening
If you’re looking for ways to cope with stress or anxiety, sound therapy might be a technique you’re using to calm down and relax. Often, when people are stressed or going through an emotional period, whether good or bad, they will turn to music. Certain melodies and vocals can come together to change your entire […]
Health Benefits of Manuka Honey
Honey is quite a versatile product. As a natural sugar, use it to sweeten dishes and drinks. Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties make it a medical wonder. As researchers conduct more studies on the health benefits of honey, Manuka honey is gaining popularity. But why, and what makes it better than regular honey? Where does […]
How To Create Your Optimal Health And Wellness

The ball has dropped. Christmas ads have been replaced by tax-prep ads. January is in full force. And, if you fall into the majority, your health and wellness top your list of resolutions. Time to repent for the sins of last year. Until, of course, old habits get the better (or worse) of you and […]
How to be a light in this world

How to be a light for others through wellness “They light up the room when they walk in.” This is a statement many people love (or would love) to hear about themselves. To radiant such positive energy that others notice is a trait all should strive for. Why? Because that means you’re so full of […]
The 5 Best Supplements To Boost Your Immune System

Disorders of the immune system are among the most common problems affecting potentially every organ and function of the body. They lead to inflammation, pain, and even cancer. Knowing the best supplements to boost immune system function can help stave off these life-threatening disorders before they start. Among the worst of the non-cancer immune problems […]
How To Achieve Holistic Health And Wellness According To The Father Of Holistic Medicine

Can you believe holistic medicine has been around for half a century now? That’s fifty years of teaching people how to live in a way that honors their bodies, minds, and spirits. But, when it comes to making holistic health and wellness the rule and not the exception, we still have a long way to […]
Ask The Doctors: What Are the Best Foods for a Healthy Gut?

From a holistic perspective, you are asking a great question. Wanting to achieve a healthy gut through food is so much better for you than trying to do it through a prescription. And before we dive into the best foods for a healthy gut, we want to talk about how easy it is to become […]
8 Keys to Holistic Pain Management

When you’re writhing in pain, you’re probably not thinking about “going holistic.” You just want the agony to stop. You’ll take the pill, the shot, the bullet – anything to put an end to the pain. If you suffer from chronic pain, however, learning (and living) holistic pain management principles can change your experience of […]