How To Correct Cholesterol Problems

Cholesterol rich foods beautifully displayed.

Photo by Jessica Ruscello on Unsplash The first of the cholesterol problems that needs correction is the cholesterol hoax. The cholesterol hoax may be one of life’s most cruel ironies, as cholesterol is the foundation for most hormones and the nervous system. You manufacture cholesterol constantly and ten minutes of stress produces more cholesterol than you get from […]

Calcitonin Hormone — The Key to a Strong Skeleton?

Mature woman contemplating a question.

Calcitonin, a rarely mentioned hormone, is one of the big 3 in maintaining health as we mature. This unique hormone, produced in the thyroid gland, is responsible for the strength and integrity of your skeleton. Since hip fractures from osteoporosis are a major contributor to premature death in the elderly, calcitonin is particularly important after […]



One of Sigmund Freud’s most accurate and startling discoveries about the human psyche was the pervasiveness of the ”death wish.” Eric Berne took this idea further with his concept that we set the age and cause of death at an early age. For over 10 years before his death, he told colleagues that his life […]

Iodine – Critical Nutrient for Everyone


As I indicated in an earlier article, iodine deficiency is rampant and is a great contributor to low thyroid function. In the May 2005 issue of Dr. Jonathan V. Wright’s NUTRITION & HEALING newsletter, Dr.Wright, my favorite nutritionist, reports that breast cancer is twice as common in women taking thyroid supplements. He believes that much […]

Iodine: The Silent Deficit

Woman wearing white sunglasses.

Iodine deficiency was first recognized more than 80 years ago, as a cause of goiter. During the 1920’s it was determined that the MINIMUM daily requirement for adults was 150 micrograms daily. Deficiencies lead not only to goiter but, when iodine-deficient pregnant women delivered babies, the brain of the newborn was severely damaged, leading to […]

Lithium Orotate for a Youthful Brain?

Man who has a youthful brain because of taking lithium orotate.

I began using lithium orotate as a safe alternative to prescription lithium carbonate over 25 years ago, based on the recommendations of Dr. Hans Nieper in THE HOLISTIC HEALTH REVOLUTION. In general, lithium orotate has been effective in treating most patients with depression, even bi-polar depression, as well as a useful adjunct in ADHD, migraine […]