How Does Vitamin C Support Your Immune System?

Woman sitting in a field of flowers and smiling.

Does vitamin C support your immune system? You bet it does! And here’s how… The immune system is second in complexity only to the brain. In an optimally healthy body, vitamin C is an essential micronutrient for humans, with multiple functions related to its ability to donate electrons which includes supporting your immune system. This […]

How Past Life Trauma Can Make You Sick In This One & What You Can Do About It


When we bring up past life therapy (PLT) to resolve past life trauma with patients, many are reluctant. Their reluctance stems from their Christian beliefs. However, once we explain to them the truth of past lives and Christianity, they are open to learning more about past life therapy. Until 325 A. D., reincarnation was part […]

5 Reasons These Are The Best Supplements To Take Daily


Many people and even many physicians ask, “Why take supplements?” And this question is often followed by, “Assuming you do take supplements, which are the best supplements to take daily?” Let us take the questions one at a time. At the top of the list of reasons why you should take supplements daily is toxicity. […]

How To Achieve Optimal Gut Health Without A Prescription


Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said 2000 years ago “All disease begins in the gut” That remains true today, as the intestine contains more bacteria than all other cells in the body. And those bacteria may be very finicky. So much so that many find it difficult to achieve optimal gut health. Yet, optimal gut […]

Foods That Help Your Immune System The Most According To Two MDs


Actually, all real natural food helps your immune system. Unfortunately, a whopping eighty percent of all available food is junk. What Is Junk Food? Foods that contain additives to make you crave them, those that have little to no nutritional value, and those that contain toxins are all junk. You need to steer clear of […]

Dr. Shealy’s Favorite (& Recommended) Daily Supplements

Unless you live on a remote paradise island and grow all your own food, you need supplements daily. The world is over polluted with toxins ranging from human stupidity with radioactivity to pesticides, herbicides and fluoride. Air and rain circulate so even that remote island is likely polluted as well. Of course, life expectancy only […]

The Answer May Be the Key to Your Health in This One

Man standing on the shore with his arms outstretched as he watches the sunrise.

Until 325 when the emperor Constantine decreed it be removed from the Bible, reincarnation was part of Christianity. (See Geddes McGregor’s REINCARNATION IN CHRISTIANITY.) We do not believe in reincarnation—we know it from many personal experiences! There are thousands of cases where young children have talked about their personal earlier life and evidence that they […]

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