Man who's happy because he's pursuing optimal health.

For well over 30 years I have focused upon the essentials for optimal health. In a recent column, I stated that 97% of Americans have one or more UN-healthy habits. Of that three percent with the minimum requirements for good health, I wonder how many have the rest of the essentials to optimize health: Minimal […]


Beta glucan is derived from many mushrooms like the ones shown here.

Beta glucan is a polysaccharide derived from bakers’ yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, oat and barley fiber and many mushrooms. Although beta-1.3 glucan is effective in activating the immune function of white blood cells, glucan is equally effective in lowering cholesterol, especially LDL cholesterol, while raising HDL cholesterol. In fact, it is the glucan which accounts for […]

Glutamine – For Intestinal and Immune Health

Woman drinking water with glutamine powder dissolved in it.

L-glutamine has marked anti-inflammatory and moderate analgesic activity. Indeed, its anti-inflammatory activity is comparable to the NSAID phenylbutazone! (Agents Actions, 1981, 11:243-249). Glutamine is used at a high metabolic rate by both lymphocytes and macrophages. In fact, macrophage phagocytosis is dependent upon its availability. Levels of glutamine are decreased in both muscle and plasma in […]


Magnesium deficiency significantly contributes to: High blood pressure Arteriosclerosis Anxiety Irregular heart rhythm Diabetes Depression Asthma Heart attack Stroke Epilepsy Acute and chronic pain Osteoporosis Immune dysfunction Migraine Unfortunately, a huge majority of Americans do not ingest even the recommended daily intake of magnesium. And, magnesium absorption is significantly worsened by: Excess calcium intake High […]

Migraine Relief

Woman with a migraine holding her head and wishing for relief.

Migraine is one of the most easily treated disorders. It affects about 17% of women and 9% of men. It is highly affected by menstrual cycles and particularly aggravated by the PILL, which I think is dangerous for anyone. You have many options to consider for migraine relief – both prescription and alternative. There are […]

Pharmacomafia Lies

Pharmacomafia Lies: 94% of the PharmacoMafia’s advertising is NON-Scientific!! In general, I have the impression that the PharmacoMafia has more political clout in the United States than it does in Europe. Thus the finding that the Emperor has been exposed to have only 6% honest clothing is most revealing and further emphasizes the great need […]

Pharmaco Toxins

Slowly the public is learning what physicians have known for many decades. Drugs cause complications. Yes, sometimes pharmaceuticals are terrific and occasionally save lives. However, the evidence is quite overwhelming that prescription drugs kill well over 100,000 people each year-that was admitted in the JAMA in 2000. This means it almost certainly is 200,000, as […]

Physician Short or Patient Excess? The Modern Obscenity

USA TODAY’s front feature on March 3, 2005, proclaimed a ”doctor shortage.” Over 25 years ago the Secretary of HEW stated ”Make no mistake; this is a consensus among experts throughout the world.” He was referring to the CA– USE of the vast majority of illnesses-sick lifestyle. About the same time Dr. John Knowles, President […]


Man holding his head in one hand as he questions the meaning of preventive health.

Preventive health is an oxymoron if I ever heard one!! Occasionally a ‘scientific’ article actually uses that ridiculous term. We should not be seeking to prevent health but rather to prevent disease or prevent the need for medicine-thus preventive medicine should be a goal. There is little evidence that most routine testing is of value […]

Youth Formula

YOUTH FORMULA Seventeen years ago I became interested in DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone, undoubtedly the single most important hormone indicating your life energy or stress reserves. My first intuitive hit was to use natural progesterone. It worked well, raising DHEA up to 100% over baseline (average 60%). But if you start with a level of only 150ng/dl, […]

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