Homocysteine Levels

Man having blood drawn to test his homocysteine levels.

The most treatable ”cause” of atherosclerosis is homocysteine which is several times as dangerous as is cholesterol. Homocysteine is a metabolic product of methionine metabolism and even moderate levels may be seriously damaging. The ”normal” range is approximately 4 to 13 micro mol/liter. My experience strongly supports the optimal level at 7 or less. There […]

The Barnes Diet

Dr. Broda Barnes was a family physician who revolutionized our concepts of nutrition and hypothyroidism. He also had a Ph.D. in thyroid biochemistry. He emphasized the wide variety of symptoms in hypothyroidism, from cold intolerance to heat intolerance; from weight loss to weight gain; from high to low blood pressure, etc. But above all, he […]

A Review Of WORST PILLS, Best Pills

Four pills in a woman's hand.

Worst Pills, Best Pills, edited by Sidney Wolfe, M.D, et al. Pocket Books, N.Y., 2005 This remarkable 900+ page book is an encyclopedia that anyone who is even vaguely considering a drug should consult. Indeed, this post is being written the very week when three more categories of drugs hit the skids. One of my […]

Lowering High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Naturally

Woman doing sit-ups as part of her exercise routine to keep her high sensitivity c-reactive protein at optimal levels.

For some 8 months I have been exploring natural and safe ways to lower High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein. There is virtually no circumstance under which I would take statin drugs. Personally I consider them dangerous and one of the next epidemics of The Emperor’s New Drugs. It may take another 20 years but ultimately they […]


Magnesium deficiency significantly contributes to: High blood pressure Arteriosclerosis Anxiety Irregular heart rhythm Diabetes Depression Asthma Heart attack Stroke Epilepsy Acute and chronic pain Osteoporosis Immune dysfunction Migraine Unfortunately, a huge majority of Americans do not ingest even the recommended daily intake of magnesium. And, magnesium absorption is significantly worsened by: Excess calcium intake High […]

Youth Formula

YOUTH FORMULA Seventeen years ago I became interested in DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone, undoubtedly the single most important hormone indicating your life energy or stress reserves. My first intuitive hit was to use natural progesterone. It worked well, raising DHEA up to 100% over baseline (average 60%). But if you start with a level of only 150ng/dl, […]

Iodine – Critical Nutrient for Everyone


As I indicated in an earlier article, iodine deficiency is rampant and is a great contributor to low thyroid function. In the May 2005 issue of Dr. Jonathan V. Wright’s NUTRITION & HEALING newsletter, Dr.Wright, my favorite nutritionist, reports that breast cancer is twice as common in women taking thyroid supplements. He believes that much […]

The Okinawa Program

Bowl of soup from a Japanese restaurant.

A view of THE OKINAWA PROGRAM, by Bradley J. Willcox, D. Craig Willcox and Makoto Suzuki, Three Rivers Press, New York, 2001. Okinawa, a group of small islands south of Japan, has more centenarians and overall greater longevity than any other country. Actually, their average longevity is only 4.4 years longer than that of Americans […]

Iodine: The Silent Deficit

Woman wearing white sunglasses.

Iodine deficiency was first recognized more than 80 years ago, as a cause of goiter. During the 1920’s it was determined that the MINIMUM daily requirement for adults was 150 micrograms daily. Deficiencies lead not only to goiter but, when iodine-deficient pregnant women delivered babies, the brain of the newborn was severely damaged, leading to […]

How To Correct Cholesterol Problems

Cholesterol rich foods beautifully displayed.

Photo by Jessica Ruscello on Unsplash The first of the cholesterol problems that needs correction is the cholesterol hoax. The cholesterol hoax may be one of life’s most cruel ironies, as cholesterol is the foundation for most hormones and the nervous system. You manufacture cholesterol constantly and ten minutes of stress produces more cholesterol than you get from […]

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