Lowering High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Naturally
For some 8 months I have been exploring natural and safe ways to lower High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein. There is virtually no circumstance under which I would take statin drugs. Personally I consider them dangerous and one of the next epidemics of The Emperor’s New Drugs. It may take another 20 years but ultimately they […]
Magnesium deficiency significantly contributes to: High blood pressure Arteriosclerosis Anxiety Irregular heart rhythm Diabetes Depression Asthma Heart attack Stroke Epilepsy Acute and chronic pain Osteoporosis Immune dysfunction Migraine Unfortunately, a huge majority of Americans do not ingest even the recommended daily intake of magnesium. And, magnesium absorption is significantly worsened by: Excess calcium intake High […]
Youth Formula
YOUTH FORMULA Seventeen years ago I became interested in DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone, undoubtedly the single most important hormone indicating your life energy or stress reserves. My first intuitive hit was to use natural progesterone. It worked well, raising DHEA up to 100% over baseline (average 60%). But if you start with a level of only 150ng/dl, […]
Beta glucan is a polysaccharide derived from bakers’ yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, oat and barley fiber and many mushrooms. Although beta-1.3 glucan is effective in activating the immune function of white blood cells, glucan is equally effective in lowering cholesterol, especially LDL cholesterol, while raising HDL cholesterol. In fact, it is the glucan which accounts for […]
Inflammation and High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (HS-CRP)
In the past few years, HS-CRP has emerged as the single most sensitive indicator of the risk for atherosclerosis, acute coronary artery disease, hypertension and even atrial fibrillation. And HS-CRP is consistently more indicative of the risk of atherosclerosis than total or LDL cholesterol. Of course this broad indicator of inflammation is not restricted to […]
Silymarin Marianum
SILYMARIN MARIANUM Silymarin marianum (milk thistle) has long been recommended as a liver cleanser. Indeed the evidence is fairly good that it may help even alcoholic cirrhosis. (J Hepatol. 1989, 9: 105-113). The results in a double-blind study: the Silymarin treated patients outlived the placebo by 50%, significant at the 0.01% level. More importantly, milk […]
THE PALEO DIET -A REVIEW THE PALEO DIET, by Loren Cordain, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, N.J., 2002. $14.95 We all know that agriculture began only about 10,000 years ago. Prior to that humans ate wild game, fish and wild fruits and vegetables. There were virtually no grains. Cordain strongly suggests that we revert to […]
Glutamine – For Intestinal and Immune Health
L-glutamine has marked anti-inflammatory and moderate analgesic activity. Indeed, its anti-inflammatory activity is comparable to the NSAID phenylbutazone! (Agents Actions, 1981, 11:243-249). Glutamine is used at a high metabolic rate by both lymphocytes and macrophages. In fact, macrophage phagocytosis is dependent upon its availability. Levels of glutamine are decreased in both muscle and plasma in […]
Junk Food and Junk Drugs
Once upon a time, before 1945 or so, there were relatively few prescription drugs. Now there are literally thousands. Interestingly, prior to 1945, 90% of food was raised within 50 miles of its consumption. Pop, white bread, and sugar were the only significant junk foods. In the 1960’s we had the development of Medicare which […]
Preventive health is an oxymoron if I ever heard one!! Occasionally a ‘scientific’ article actually uses that ridiculous term. We should not be seeking to prevent health but rather to prevent disease or prevent the need for medicine-thus preventive medicine should be a goal. There is little evidence that most routine testing is of value […]