Detoxing Your Body

DETOXING YOUR BODY ? Detoxing Your Body (C) C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Over the past 100 years our environment has exploded in toxicity–chemical pollution, nuclear pollution, chlorinated and fluoridated water, machine pollution, silver/mercury fillings, electromagnetic pollution, etc. Carcinogens and even prescription drugs are spilling into the drinking water. More importantly our food supply has […]

Double Helix Water™

DOUBLE HELIX WATER™ HOMEOPATHY PROVEN: DOUBLE HELIX WATER™ C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Although there are gold standards, with double blind studies showing statistically significant outcomes with homeopathy products, the ESTABLISHMENT stubbornly refuses to accept the basic concept that a minute quantity of a particular substance has the power to trigger the body’s innate healing […]

Glutenzyme – Antidote for Gluten

GLUTENZYME–ANTIDOTE FOR GLUTEN? GLUTENZYME–Antidote for Gluten C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I wrote some time ago about the toxicy of gluten. At least one-third of individuals are sensitive to gluten, making it one of the most common causes or aggravators of all disease! Depression, confusion, psychosis, anxiety, obesity, arthritis, all autoimmune diseases, cancer, etc are […]

King Krypto and Spice is Not Vitamin K2

KING KRYPTO and SPICE IS NOT VITAMIN K2 KING KRYPTO & SPICE IS NOT VITAMIN K2!!! Recently there has been a lot of PR about King Krypto and Spice, listed as K 2. It is a dangerous hallucinogenic drug sold as incense or for smoking and can cause severe agitation and confusion. It is said […]

Orac Health

ORAC HEALTH (C) C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. One of the most essentials for health is natural antioxidants found in food. These are measured as ORAC units, Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity. Eating adequate High ORAC Foods : Raises anti-oxidant power of the blood Improves memory Prevents most diseases, including heart disease and cancer Prevents Alzheimer’s […]


ALLERGIES & THE COCA TEST C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Unquestionably it is the most accurate way to test for allergies. To make it simple, check your pulse before you get out of bed. Then check it 30 and 60 minutes after each meal. If your pulse goes up 10 points or more when you […]


GERD-FREE with d-LIMONENE (C) C. Norman Sheasly, M.D.,Ph.D. Significant heartburn is a major problem for which the proton pump inhibitors (PPI) have gained the number three spot on the PharmacoMafia’s income list! The problem with the little purple pill and its clones is that they block a major immune defense–hydrochloric acid (HCL). Hydrochloric acid is […]

Feeding Your Temple

FEEDING YOUR TEMPLE (C) C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Recently as I was putting my garden to bed for the winter, I offered some of the current season’s goodies to someone who turned all of them down. I was suddenly aware of the restricted variety of foods that most people have. Having been an avid […]

Vegan, Lacto-Vegetarian & Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Nutrition

Picture of a lacto-vegetarian meal.

All raw and all vegetarian diets have been fads pushed by many people. One Canadian back in the 70’s insisted on all raw because it prevented cancer. He died of prostate cancer and, yes, monkeys do get cancer. Indeed even cacti get cancer! Ellen G. White, founder of Seventh Day Adventism, and a phenomenal prophet, […]


TAURINE REVISITED C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I wrote about taurine many months ago, but it is such an important amino acid that it is worth revisiting. Although some do not consider taurine an essential amino acid, because some people can manufacture it out of methionine, others consider it essential. I am one of those […]

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