PRIMARY CARE – WILL IT SURVIVE? The August 31, 2006 NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE has an article with the above title by T. Bodenheimer, M.D., Professor at the Center for Excellence in Primary Care, U. of California, San Francisco. He reports that ''The American College of Physicians recently warned that 'primary care, the backbone […]

Depression – The World’s Best Treatment Program

Depressed man looking out a window.

Depression is the most common dis-ease in the world. At least 40% of Americans are clinically depressed and 20% are on antidepressants. Interestingly, a huge number of individuals on antidepressant drugs are still depressed! Indeed, the BEST antidepressant drug is reported in the PHYSICIAN’S DESK REFERENCE as 42% effective, with a minimum of 25% of […]


The March 22, 2006 JAMA has a super article on the adverse effects of BMI (page 1412-1419). In a study of over 27,000 ”healthy” women and using one of the most critical factors in health for risk of serious cardiovascular disease and cancer, High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein: Risk of CRP BEING > 3   Active […]

Is America Flunking Science – Or Is Science Flunking Common Sense?

The TIME, Feb. 12, 2006, headline, Is America Flunking Science? is the perfect headline for my critique of three ”Rolls-Royce” articles that appeared in the latest JAMA and made newspaper headlines throughout the country. Titled ”Low-Fat Dietary Pattern and Risk of Invasive Breast Cancer Colorectal Cancer Cardiovascular Disease” respectively, (JAMA, Feb. 8, 2006, (p. 629 […]

Self-Healing: Brief Psychotherapy with WHEE

Self-Healing: Brief Psychotherapy with WHEE (Wholistic Hybrid derived from EMDR & EFT), and other approaches Click here for details of workshop to learn WHEE Click here to register for workshop (WHEE is not EMDR or EFT. See references to these, below) Clinical Explorations When I learned about psychotherapy as a teenager, I knew that was […]

What the Bleep is Health?

WHAT THE BLEEP IS HEALTH? In December, 2005, the American Institute for Cancer Research released the results of a study which emphasized that ONLY 3% OF AMERICANS have the top 4 essential habits for optimal health! ESSENTIAL HABITS No smoking 76% Healthy Body Mass Index of 18.5-25 40% Eating 5 or more servings of fruits […]

Biased Medical Research

At least every week there is another flawed research paper that achieves major media attention. And the big journals which publish these slanted, distorted results refuse to publish any letters critical of the establishment’s chosen path to Enlightment — drugs! One of the latest to earn my scorn is ”Homocysteine Lowering with Folic Acid and […]


SCIENCE — OR PAP? Science refers to the scientific method – a process for evaluating empirical knowledge— or ''knowledge'' obtained by careful observation, by deduction of the ''laws'' which ''govern'' principles or ''facts. Of course, as with every word, the meaning is in the mind of the beholder! Science 2000 years ago has little bearing […]


SheLi TENS Starting in 1963 I began research to find a safe, non-surgical approach for pain. My lab experiments led me to extensive electrophysiological studies on pain. In 1965, Professor Pat Wall, then at MIT, sent me pre-publication a copy of his now-classic paper ”The Gate Control of Pain”. This prompted me to visit Pat […]

Cholesterol Re-Visited – Policosanol

Middle-aged man at the beach who is managing his cholesterol with policosanol.

Thanks to my med school classmate, Dr. Sheldon Steiner for reminding me of policosanol. This naturally occurring health-enhancing nutrient has moved to the top of my list! Back in the 1970’s policosanol (or Octacosanol) was touted as a treatment for Amotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. It actually was not very good for that serious disease. Meanwhile, there […]

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