
OBESITY What is obesity? The generally accepted terminology today is a Body Mass Index of 30 or above. ”Overweight” is considered a BMI of 25 to 29 and morbid obesity is a BMI of 40 or above. One-third of Americans are overweight and another third are obese. You can find your own BMI easily on […]

Sacral Shear

Drawing of the human spine on a clipboard.

Twenty-two years ago after a morning jog followed by my usual yoga limbering, a pattern of over 10 years, I developed excruciating left buttocks and sciatic pain. The pain did not abate. Finally, the following morning I saw an Osteopathic physician who diagnosed a sacral shear. It took him 45 minutes to correct the shear. […]

Prostate Health

PROSTATE HEALTH Other than the heart, the weakest organ in men is the prostate. Prostatitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) and cancer of the prostate are remarkably common. The vast majority of men will develop one or more of these problems at some point in life. Although the lifetime incidence of –symptomatic prostatitis is reported at […]

Dental Truth

Dr. Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D., Chemist, Researcher for 18 years, Professor of Chemistry for 33 yrs. Reproduced with permission from Dr. Judd: We can all stop spending billions for American dental work and research. Let me tell you why: I have learned the real causes of dental cavities and gum infection. People, including you, will […]


Elderly man with his hand covering his mouth in obvious discomfort.

Alzheimer’s disease appears to be increasing in frequency — either because of an aging population or increasing toxicity in our environment. To prevent Alzheimer’s disease, the following are most important: No smoking Body Mass Index between 19 and 24 At least 6 servings, combined of fruits and vegetables daily Physical exercise at least one hour […]

Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome

Body Mass Index MUST be within 19 to 24 SUPPLEMENTS: Dr. Shealy’s Essentials, according to body weight Chromium picolinate or Tri-Chromium, 1000 micrograms daily Gugulipid, 250 mg, 3 daily Gymnema, 250 mg, 3 daily Zinc picolinate, 50 mg Calcium citrate, 1500 mg daily Magnesium lotion, 2 teaspoons on skin twice daily Check your temperature – […]


POLICOSANOL AND THE STATIN WAR On May 17, 2006, the JAMA carried a mundane little article stating that policosanol was ineffective in reducing cholesterol (1). This rather odd, little article is remarkable in that it made international news. The NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY and even small city newspapers touted it as being quite the […]

HYPERTENSION Treatment: Effective Alternatives To Prescription Drugs

Doctor comforting female patient who is being monitored for hypertension.

The sphygmomanometer, the inflatable cuff for measuring blood pressure, was invented by an Italian physician in 1896 and popularized in this country in 1901 by Harvey Cushing, the ”father” of neurosurgery. For 100 years, NORMAL blood pressure was considered 120/80. The upper figure is systolic – the pressure in the blood vessels when the heart […]


PRIMARY CARE – WILL IT SURVIVE? The August 31, 2006 NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE has an article with the above title by T. Bodenheimer, M.D., Professor at the Center for Excellence in Primary Care, U. of California, San Francisco. He reports that ''The American College of Physicians recently warned that 'primary care, the backbone […]

Depression – The World’s Best Treatment Program

Depressed man looking out a window.

Depression is the most common dis-ease in the world. At least 40% of Americans are clinically depressed and 20% are on antidepressants. Interestingly, a huge number of individuals on antidepressant drugs are still depressed! Indeed, the BEST antidepressant drug is reported in the PHYSICIAN’S DESK REFERENCE as 42% effective, with a minimum of 25% of […]

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