Many years there was a book titled, THE NUTS AMONG THE BERRIES. And, throughout history there have been many extremists, as there are today. Indeed there is fundamentalism in nutrition, as well as in politics and religion. Today, some of the fundamentalists are vegans (4% of Americans who are as loud as the atheists) who […]

Youthful Aging – From a Death Wish to A Life Wish

YOUTHFUL AGING-FROM A DEATH WISH TO A LIFE WISH Suppose there is a healthy life expectancy of 150 years. Would you take advantage of it? After 13 years as a neurosurgeon, I pioneered successful non-surgical rehabilitation of patients with chronic pain and depression. Eighty-five percent of over 30,000 patients recovered and were able to live […]

The Psychology of Health

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF HEALTH The Qualities and Habits that Help Us Apply the Principles and Standards of a Healthy Psychology to Problem Solving, Goal Setting, and Increasing Integrity. A relentlessly proactive style for: a) processing of our experiences, b) thinking about what situations mean, c) planning what to do, and d) improving our coping style. […]

Antioxidant Nutrition

Other than air and water, we need amino acids, essential fats, vitamins, minerals and a wide variety of antioxidants. There are eleven essential amino acids, a dozen essential vitamins, several essential fats and well over 5000 antioxidants. As I have discussed in earlier articles, we can live with a remarkable variety of diets – ranging […]

Chocolate Bliss: The Benefits Of Eating Dark Chocolate

The neurotransmitter anandamide initiates the blissful benefits of eating dark chocolate. According to Wikipedia: Anandamide, also known as arachidonylethanolamide or arachidonoylethanolamine or AEA, is a naturally occurring endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter found in the brain of animals, as well as other organs. It was isolated, and its structure elucidated by William Devane and Lumir Hanuš in […]

Why We Are Depressed & Its Cure

WHY WE ARE DEPRESSED & ITS CURE Depression is one of the leading causes of disability. It also contributes significantly to: a) cancer, b) heart disease, c) cognitive decline and senility, d) weakness in the immune mechanism, e) sluggish hormones, and f) acceleration of the changes of aging. Thus, depression is far more than just […]


Woman leaning against a wall with her eyes closed because she suffers with insomnia.

Two hundred years ago the average American slept 10 hours. Today it is 5 hours, about 30% below the healthy ideal. Lifestyle may be the culprit behind our nation’s insomnia. THE 24-HOUR SOCIETY by Martin C. Moore-Ede provides overwhelming evidence that inadequate sleep is one of the leading health hazards. Poor or inadequate sleep is […]


POMEGRANATE—A UNIQUE FOOD Protein, vitamins, essential fatty acids, minerals and antioxidants are the critical foods for health. Note that starch and sugar are not; glucose can be made from protein. Of course, I am not recommending that one eat only protein, but it is important to be reminded that protein is much more critical than […]

Liss CES, Shealy Series – The Treatment of Choice for Depression

In 1975 Saul Liss, Ph.D., an engineer, brought me the earliest model of his Liss CES (Cranial Electrical Stimulator) and attempted to convince me that it was better than the TENS devices which I had shepherded onto the medical scene. I could not feel any output, which Saul assured me was not necessary at the […]

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