THE NATURAL LIFE A few weeks ago I received an angry note from a person who considers himself a naturalist attacking me for suggesting that someone might safely eat bacon, occasionally. I would remind him that people 100 years ago ate far more unhealthy food than bacon. Obviously, he is unaware that there is bacon […]
The Psychology of Health
THE PSYCHOLOGY OF HEALTH The Qualities and Habits that Help Us Apply the Principles and Standards of a Healthy Psychology to Problem Solving, Goal Setting, and Increasing Integrity. A relentlessly proactive style for: a) processing of our experiences, b) thinking about what situations mean, c) planning what to do, and d) improving our coping style. […]
What the Bleep is Health?
WHAT THE BLEEP IS HEALTH? In December, 2005, the American Institute for Cancer Research released the results of a study which emphasized that ONLY 3% OF AMERICANS have the top 4 essential habits for optimal health! ESSENTIAL HABITS No smoking 76% Healthy Body Mass Index of 18.5-25 40% Eating 5 or more servings of fruits […]
Why We Are Depressed & Its Cure
WHY WE ARE DEPRESSED & ITS CURE Depression is one of the leading causes of disability. It also contributes significantly to: a) cancer, b) heart disease, c) cognitive decline and senility, d) weakness in the immune mechanism, e) sluggish hormones, and f) acceleration of the changes of aging. Thus, depression is far more than just […]
Youthful Aging – From a Death Wish to A Life Wish
YOUTHFUL AGING-FROM A DEATH WISH TO A LIFE WISH Suppose there is a healthy life expectancy of 150 years. Would you take advantage of it? After 13 years as a neurosurgeon, I pioneered successful non-surgical rehabilitation of patients with chronic pain and depression. Eighty-five percent of over 30,000 patients recovered and were able to live […]
A Review of Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution
A Review of DR. BERNSTEIN’S DIABETES SOLUTION-Revised and Updated. The Complete Guide To Achieving Normal Blood Sugars. Little Brown and Co., New York This remarkable book is a prime example of the major constipation, indeed obstruction, of the American Medical System. Richard Bernstein is an M.D., juvenile, type 1 diabetic since age 12. Originally an […]
Beta glucan is a polysaccharide derived from bakers’ yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, oat and barley fiber and many mushrooms. Although beta-1.3 glucan is effective in activating the immune function of white blood cells, glucan is equally effective in lowering cholesterol, especially LDL cholesterol, while raising HDL cholesterol. In fact, it is the glucan which accounts for […]
Glutamine – For Intestinal and Immune Health
L-glutamine has marked anti-inflammatory and moderate analgesic activity. Indeed, its anti-inflammatory activity is comparable to the NSAID phenylbutazone! (Agents Actions, 1981, 11:243-249). Glutamine is used at a high metabolic rate by both lymphocytes and macrophages. In fact, macrophage phagocytosis is dependent upon its availability. Levels of glutamine are decreased in both muscle and plasma in […]
Pharmaco Toxins
Slowly the public is learning what physicians have known for many decades. Drugs cause complications. Yes, sometimes pharmaceuticals are terrific and occasionally save lives. However, the evidence is quite overwhelming that prescription drugs kill well over 100,000 people each year-that was admitted in the JAMA in 2000. This means it almost certainly is 200,000, as […]
Physician Short or Patient Excess? The Modern Obscenity
USA TODAY’s front feature on March 3, 2005, proclaimed a ”doctor shortage.” Over 25 years ago the Secretary of HEW stated ”Make no mistake; this is a consensus among experts throughout the world.” He was referring to the CA– USE of the vast majority of illnesses-sick lifestyle. About the same time Dr. John Knowles, President […]