The Qualities and Habits that Help Us Apply the Principles and Standards of a Healthy Psychology to Problem Solving, Goal Setting, and Increasing Integrity.

  1. A relentlessly proactive style for: a) processing of our experiences, b) thinking about what situations mean, c) planning what to do, and d) improving our coping style.
  2. Flexibility and creativity in how we view our challenges and opportunities. This helps us avoid the traps of stubbornness, perfectionism, neurotic idealism, taking the first easy answer, and the blind acceptance of tradition.
  3. A strong capacity to cooperate. Healthy people know how to honor their values and still collaborate with others in order to achieve more than they could any other way.
  4. Healthy people cultivate and express strong and effective coping skills. They are realistic and able to deal with failure, criticism, mistakes, and disasters without denial, excuses, blaming, or other rationalizations.
  5. When healthy people set priorities, they focus on what they: a) want to happen, b) can rescue from this mess, c) have to give up to achieve success, d) have to do to turn things around, and e) can achieve in our current circumstances.
  6. Healthy people learn to accept what cannot be changed. They can deal with the reality of something they can't control without reacting in anger or giving up completely.
  7. Healthy people practice lots of appreciation and approval for the many good things in and about them and in others. This practice keeps them positive and confident.
  8. Healthy people look for partial solutions and are willing to work with the best answers they have, knowing that they can innovate and improvise as they go along.
  9. Healthy people believe they have control of their future, which means they are never truly helpless or hopeless, because they know they can find ways to have some favorable impact on events and people.
  10. Healthy people take time for rest and renewal to keep their life in balance. They know exhaustion can lead to becoming cranky, too critical and pessimistic, and the loss of creativity and enthusiasm for what we have to do.
  11. Healthy people use their imagination constructively to rehearse and anticipate success. They avoid catastrophizing and seek to activate the bright side of life.
  12. Healthy people learn to handle negative thinking & moods by cutting off external streams of negative ideas & energies and disciplining their own pessimistic thoughts.
  13. Healthy people love their lives and work. On the whole, they like themselves and what they do. This provides a protective shell or buffer of goodwill that surrounds their whole life and tends to repel ordinary negativity (criticism, attacks)


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