Elmer Green, father of biofeedback and creator of the concept of Energy Medicine has written a remarkable summary of his concepts of consciousness. Essentially, the SOUL is ''an immortal spiritual entity'' and works in harmony with the Higher Self as a guardian angel for the soul. Elmer considers everyone to have a soul, which is our astral body. Each personality is ''a synthesis of three kinds of matter, physical substance, emotional substance and mental substance'' which together make up our body and soul (astral body).

After death, the soul or astral body is in the bardo, a Tibetan concept of a dimension with many levels representing the collective unconscious of the thoughts and feelings which have dominated the life just lived. Interestingly the White Light frequently reported by those who have had a near death experience is not common after death. When this occurs after death, the soul may transfigure into the Light of the Soul. But most individual souls become engrossed in ''dreamscapes'' in the bardo and remain engrossed for various periods of earth time. Eventually the astral body, soul, yearns for the Light of the Soul and merges with the SOUL, finally completing the connection with the previous personality. The SOUL then works with the higher Self to develop the next incarnation of that entity. Successive personalities and incarnations assist the SOUL to be trained for the ultimate consciousness, fit for Heaven, merging with the Creator, or God. There is no better summary of the spiritual journey of our physical incarnation.

This brief summary cannot do justice to the rich story told in 3 volumes totaling over 1700 pages. Alyce Green, Elmer's wife, was nurtured through a terminal illness, diagnosed as Alzheimer's. Elmer's care and direction represents the highest spiritual evolution I have read. I had the privilege of knowing Elmer and Alyce for many years before her illness. Elmer is one of the most profound philosophers and teachers on planet Earth today. For anyone with a friend or family member who develops Alzheimer's, this book is a remarkable guide, providing comfort and insight into the vast human potential. Hopefully, those with family members who develop Alzheimer's will use this magnificent guide to assist themselves and their loved ones achieve the grace that comes with deep understanding that ''Alzheimer's isn't what you think it is.'' The two worlds that Alyce experienced, the physical world and the afterlife, were a shock to Alyce. Elmer, a life-long meditator and experienced out-of-body traveler, was able to assist Alyce achieve true transfiguration before physical death. She became a spiritual Teacher, assisting others entering the bardo. Ultimately, the vision of a ''group channel'' assisting the world achieve Enlightment is one of the comforting themes of this gem. And for each of us, Elmer provides the spiritual vision of the human potential. He teaches us to honor those who leave with Alzheimer's.

Elmer has donated the profits from THE OZAWKIE BOOK OF THE DEAD to Holos University Graduate Seminary. You may order it from I hope this magnificent book equals the distribution of a poem with which I close!

This poem was reportedly found when an elderly lady died in a geriatric ward, a poem that has persisted for decades to remind us to honor the elderly. There are 530,000 listings on Google. : Crabby Old Woman………….

What do you see, nurses?
What do you see?
What are you thinking
When you're looking at me?

A crabby old woman,
Not very wise,
Uncertain of habit,
With faraway eyes?

Who dribbles her food
And makes no reply
When you say in a loud voice,
''I do wish you'd try!''

Who seems not to notice
The things that you do,
And forever is losing
A stocking or shoe?

Who, resisting or not,
Lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding,
The long day to fill?

Is that what you're thinking?
Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse,
You're not looking at me.

I'll tell you who I am
As I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding,
As I eat at your will.

I'm a small child of ten
With a father and mother,
Brothers and sisters,
Who love one another.

A young girl of sixteen
With wings on her feet
Dreaming that soon now
A lover she'll meet.

A bride soon at twenty,
My heart gives a leap,
Remembering the vows
That I promised to keep.

At twenty-five now,
I have young of my own,
Who need me to guide
And a secure happy home.

A woman of thirty,
My young now grown fast,
Bound to each other
With ties that should last.

At forty, my young sons
Have grown and are gone,
But my man's beside me
To see I don't mourn.

At fifty once more,
Babies play round my knee,
Again we know children,
My loved one and me.

Dark days are upon me,
My husband is dead,
I look at the future,
I shudder with dread.

For my young are all rearing
Young of their own,
And I think of the years
And the love that I've known.

I'm now an old woman
And nature is cruel;
'Tis jest to make old age
Look like a fool.

The body, it crumbles,
Grace and vigor depart,
There is now a stone
Where I once had a heart.

But inside this old carcass
A young girl still dwells,
And now and again,
My battered heart swells.

I remember the joys,
I remember the pain,
And I'm loving and living
Life over again.

I think of the years
All too few, gone too fast,
And accept the stark fact
That nothing can last.

So open your eyes, people,
Open and see,
Not a crabby old woman;
Look closer . . . see ME!!

Remember this poem when you deal with the elderly and those with Alzheimer's!

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