Several inquiries this week have made it important to dispel concerns about why we are downsizing the store. The May Big Bang shutdown made me aware of the problems of size. As you know, it took us over 2 months to be back online. Part of that re-organization meant creating less “stuff” to manage and less staff. Fortunately, Spring Valley, longtime friends, offered to manage the retail site, orders, etc.

This allows us to concentrate on developing distributors who can help spread the word.

My new book, LIVING BLISS, is scheduled to be released by Hay House June 5, 2014. This is by far my most important book to date. And my most important discovery in the past 60 years is the 5 Bliss Oils.

I am devoting as much time as possible doing certification workshops for health professionals, as I think a huge majority of people can benefit from the Ring Oils. This will allow the products to reach more people and establish a line of health-enhancing products that will long outlast me.

Meanwhile, most of you know that I also endowed the Mary-Charlotte Bayles Shealy Chair of Conscientious Psychology at Missouri State University. Nothing is more important than developing tools to help more people become conscientious! I hope to see that Chair set the pattern for the future of Health Psychology!

So, for those worried about the prime products, I plan to have available LONG into the future:

  • Magnesium Lotion and Magnesium Lotion Spray
  • Youth Formula
  • Fire, Air, Water, Earth and Crystal Bliss
  • The Shealy RelaxMate II
  • Books, CD’s, etc.

Dr. Shealy’s Magnesium Lotion Spray (8 fl oz)
Dr. Shealy’s Magnesium Lotion (8 oz)
Dr. Shealy’s Magnesium Lotion (16 oz)
Dr. sHEALy’s Youth Formula
Shealy Relaxmate II
Five Bliss Perfume Set

And any future developments! Spread the word to all your friends!

Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. is the father of holistic medicine. He recommends autogenic focus (the basis of the Biogenics System) as part of your overall commitment to self-health. Register to download your FREE autogenic focus MP3 now.