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The 6th Annual Tapping Summit is Here. Don’t miss it

I’m sure you’ve heard things said before like “mind over body” or “your mind can heal anything,” but do you ever think to yourself…”that’s easier said than done!”

After all…if you’re like most people, you don’t have time to sit around like a Buddhist Monk meditating for hours a day, focusing on healing your body, so how exactly do you apply it to your life?

Well, I want to share a video with you today that will share some startling research on just how powerful the mind is over the body, as well as introduce a grounded, everyday technique that you can use to actually help your mind to keep your body healthy.

It’s a video of Dr. Lissa Ranking, M.D., where she sits down with Nick Ortner, the producer of the upcoming 6th annual Tapping World Summit, to discuss her findings and the implications they have for all of us, both the “seemingly” healthy and unhealthy.

Here are just a few snippets of what you can expect:

– At around 7 minutes you’ll hear about what she learned from studying over 3,500 cases of “spontaneous remission” and what the research both tells us and isn’t telling us about why people get sick or healthy.

– At around 8:40 you’ll learn about the 9 common characteristics that people with “spontaneous remission” have and why they’re critical to know for both people who are healthy or sick.

– At around 16 minutes Lissa will share about the only 2 modes that our nervous system can be in, and how in one of them, our bodies self repair mechanism literally shuts down! And the scary part is…most people tend to get stuck in this shut down mode (she’ll explain why and how you can get out of it).

– At about 19 minutes she’ll share with you why some of her supposedly “healthiest” clients (exercising, eating well, meditating, etc) were getting sick and the big “aha” moment she had about what was causing it all.

– At around 26 minutes Lissa will blow your mind be redefining what “placebo” actually is. She’ll share with you how most scientific studies are blowing off placebo and not digging deep enough into what is actually going on with the mind and body.

– At around 27 minutes, she’ll answer a big question that Nick Ortner asks her about the EFT Tapping technique…”Is just the Placebo Effect?”

– At about 36 minutes, she’ll share with you why she believes people in the “blue zones” have a much higher than average rate of living to be over 100 years old.

Watch this video! I know you’ll love it. 🙂
