C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.


I have had inquiries from friends and subscribers about extra precautions to be used to enhance immune function in view of the swine flu breakout. The following are my essential recommendations. All the products except coconut oil are available at www.selfhealthsystems.com, 888-242-6105.


BASICS FOR EVERYONE (ideally this is all the time for OPTIMAL immune strength!):

An excellent multivitamin, such as my Essentials, according to weight, as on the bottle

Youth Formula. 4 daily

Vitamin D 3, 50,000 units daily, if you weigh 140 pounds or more. No calcium supplements on this dosage

I00 to 139 pounds, D 3, 50,000 units 4 to 5 times per week. No calcium supplements on

this dosage

Vitamin K 2?100 mcg daily

Co-Q 10, 120 mg daily

Omega-3 fatty acids, 3 grams daily

Autogenic Training (my Basic Schultz tape or CD)

90 DAYS TO STRESS-FREE LIVING,?do the book/program by me for optimal stress management!



IF SYMPTOMS DEVELOP, for first three days:

Take extra 150,000 units of D 3 plus 300 mcg of K 2 daily for 3 days

AND add:

Glutamine powder, 2 tablespoons daily

Glucan, 2 tablespoons daily

Co Q 10? 300 mg daily

Maxogenol, 4 daily

Thymuril (thymus extract) 4?daily

Coconut oil, 3 tablespoons daily

Castor Oil packs to the abdomen or a castor oil bath. See details in newsletter archives under Castor Oil

?Stimulate your Ring of Fire — outlined in my book LIFE BEYOND 100


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