?NIACIN-TWICE AS EFFECTIVE AS STATINS- & ONE HUNDRED TIMES SAFER! ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? ?Niacin was the first major development in cholesterol therapy. Niacin(vitamin B 3; also called nicotinic acid. No relation to nicotine!) was shown to reduce cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol as early as the mid 1960's, but it was never widely accepted because it sometimes leads to? intense flushing. And of course the PharmacoMafia could not make ridiculous profits with Niacin! Early varieties of timed release niacin were not as efficacious at reducing the flushing. More recently Flush-free or Non-flushing niacin has been available. Niacor ?, a prescription form of extended release niacin, is no better than the OTC Non-flush Niacins and Niacor has been reported to lead to a significant incidence of liver enzyme elevations and other problems. Indeed, even if you tolerate Niacin well, it is wise to have liver enzymes checked at 6 months and yearly thereafter. ? The tremendous news is that as little as 1500 mg of Non-Flush or Extended Release Niacin raises HDL 19 to 24%–TWICE AS EFFECTIVE AS STATINS!! Statins raise HDL only 5 to 15%. Niacin also lowers triglycerides 13 to 28%. Arch Int Med, 162: 158-1586, 2002 ? In another study, Niacin raised HDL cholesterol 26-39% compared with 13 to 15% with fibrates, fibrates being similar to the less effective statins. Cleveland Clinic J of Med, 70: 553-560, 2003 ? In an unrelated study, the addition of 3 eggs daily to a low carbohydrate diet raised HDL over 15% and decreased triglycerides over 40%!?? J. Nutr, 138:271-276, 2008. The great news is that a low carbohydrate diet with 3 eggs daily is more effective than statins in raising HDL-infinitely safer, less expensive and tastes great!? To date, I have not seen a study using low CHO diets, 3 eggs plus Niacin! But I suspect it would be the best yet!? Non-Flush Niacin is available at www.selfhealthsystems.com or 888-242-6105. ? Considering the current knowledge, I have to put Non-flush or Flush-free Niacin at the top of my supplement recommendations for lowering cholesterol. A healthy diet, minimizing sugar, pop and junk fast foods, high in fruits, vegetables, nuts and salmon and other health habits are always superior. Physical exercise and deep relaxation to reduce stress are ahead of any supplement. I always recommend nutrition, exercise and stress reduction above anything else. But if they do not lower your cholesterol below 200, add Flush-Free Niacin. And if Niacin does not lower your cholesterol below 200 and raise your HDL to near 50, consider policosanol, beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, lecithin granules, and ProArgi9 Plus, any one of which can do the job without the inherent risks of statins. Check my Optimal Recommendations for more details. |