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C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
During my 16 years of growing up at home, my mother served calves liver at least once a month. And two to 3 times a year, when she had cooked a chuck roast, she made an old family recipe, Liver Nips. It was a complex labor, starting with adding to the boiling bullion from the roast, flour, chopped onions and chopped liver. When this was complete, the dough had to be refrigerated overnight and then It was pan cooked slowly on a stove burner in a well larded cast iron pan. Even my 3 children, who otherwise would not eat liver, liked Liver Nips! Delicious and a staple at a famous South Carolina restaurant run by a couple who are cousins from both sides of my family.
Knowing that many people do not like liver, nevertheless I want to share my latest discovery, Liver Nip Biscuits:
Cook until soft one-third cup of chicken livers
Place them in the food processor with:
One-third cup each of milk, gluten free flour, almond flour and one egg, two tablespoons of dried onions, one-fourth teaspoon of Himalayan salt and one-fourth teaspoon of aluminum free baking powder
Mix well and pour into 5 drop biscuit ovals (I have cast iron). Oiled with virgin olive oil.
Place in convection oven at 375 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.
Smashingly good with extra sharp cheddar cheese but even plain they are a treat. Could be made with any liver.
Of course, the recipe can be doubled or tripled!