


C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.

Approximately 80% of people are deficient in Magnesium, mainly because of universal deficiency in the soil, as well as inadequate intake of high-magnesium foods. Cattle farmers know that their cows die if they are not provided extra magnesium. Unfortunately, food farmers do not add magnesium to vegetable-growing soils! Magnesium deficiency affects 350 enzymes, so the symptoms and diseases vary widely but include:

  • Immune system problems
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Hypertension
  • Cancer
  • Fatigue
  • Memory problems
  • Osteoporosis
  • Auricular fibrillation

In general blood levels are normal except in severe starvation and alcoholism, as magnesium will be pulled from the bone to keep blood levels normal. THE ONLY GOOD TEST is INTRACELLULAR, and that does not mean red or white blood cells. I requires a simple scraping of the frenulum of the tongue and is sent to

Intracellular Diagnostics (Please be aware Intracellular Diagnostics requires the test kit to be sent to your physician only. Your physician is expected to collect the scraping and send in the kit for testing.)

Magnesium is far better absorbed through the skin than through the mouth, and has the advantage of helping to restore DHEA, which is not seen with oral or IV magnesium. Personally I believe everyone will benefit from Magnesium Lotion! The only product I know which has the published and patented proof of efficacy including raising DHEA is Dr sHEALy’s Magnesium Lotion


Magnesium Lotion Spray

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