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C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.

In 1971, after introducing Dorsal Column Stimulation and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), I sub-specialized in management of chronic pain, which of course also meant chronic depression.

In fact, as I learned in working with over 30,000 patients, conventional medicine fails miserably in caring for most chronic illnesses! Thus, in 1978, I helped found the American Holistic Medical Association, which was, of course highly criticized and rejected by the Establishment. One neurosurgeon wrote an editorial criticizing the charisma of leaders of the holistic movement and said “We are too busy taking care of disease to try to prevent it.” Sounds almost as bad as Pelosi on passing a bill to learn what is in it!

In 1981, I integrated my Pain Rehabilitation Center into Holos Institutes of Health, dedicated to research, education and clinical services in holistic care. Many great discoveries came from that work, which clearly showed that 85% of patients with chronic pain and depression could be restored to good function without drugs and surgery.

After the late 90’s, sensing the need for more research in the field of Energy Medicine and Spiritual Healing, we established Holos University Graduate Seminary, from which I retired, as planned, at age 75. It continues under the guidance of Drs. Ann and Bob Nunley and others to provide an excellent training platform for those wanting a foundation for contributions in these fields.

Now, over the past year, I have donated our 256 acre farm and the 11,000 square foot Holos Building to Missouri State University and have endowed the Mary-Charlotte Bayles Shealy Chair of Conscientious Psychology. Hopefully that position will be filled by August.

I continue to live in my home on the farm and have the adjacent office building for Self-Health Systems, which has evolved into Shealy-Sorin Wellness, for our mail order products.

I am blessed with the support and cooperation of outstanding Chairs of the Departments of Agriculture and of Psychology.

Holos Institutes of Health has evolved into Holos Energy Medicine Education. Dr. Morris Netherton continues his two part training in Past Life Therapy at the Holos Building.
I continue here also my classes in Clinical Applications of Energy Medicine.
I have been spiritually adopted by the Nemenhah Indigenous Traditional Organization and am a certified Medicine Man in the Native American Church of Nemenhah. Chief Cloudpiler offers an annual training program in the principles of the Native American Church of Nemenhah. In the fall of 2014, my friend Dr. Fred Hidaji and I will offer a 5 day meditation retreat here.
I continue research, currently an exciting project using Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency for diabetic neuropathy. I will soon publish my schedule for 2014 including currently planned programs around the country. And of course my most important book,

LIVING BLISS-Major Discoveries Along the Holistic Path,

will be out in June. Another major project continues to be training in Transcutaneous Acupuncture for activation of the Five Rings!