Gluten Free

GERD FREE—coming next week!




C. Norman Shealy, M.D, Ph.D.


Remember that one-third of people are gluten sensitive and this problem can cause ANY known disease! There are a huge variety of gluten-free flours including powders or flours from:

  • Sorghum
  • Rice
  • Buckwheat
  • Amaranth
  • Tapioca
  • Arrowroot
  • Potato
  • Soy
  • Guar gum
  • Almond
  • Various beans
  • Other nuts
  • Chia seeds


One of the best sources is Bobs Red Mill which has sorghum flour, its own bread non-gluten flour mix, and some of the individual flours. You can also get guaranteed gluten-free oatmeal from them. Personally, I was not impressed with their gluten-free bread mix and even less so with mixes found at several local health food stores. On the other hand, I have had considerable success mixing my own and have used all of those in the above list. In my kitchen, I find the best recipe to be:


Gluten-Free Bread

2 cups sorghum flour

1 cup arrowroot flour

2 tablespoons guar gum

I teaspoon honey

I package yeast

?teaspoon sea salt

?cup of olive oil (or 2 oz melted butter)

1 ?cups of warm water


I use a Cuisinart mixer and pour all the ingredients for thorough mixing. Scrape into a heavily buttered Pyrex bread pan, not more than half full, and let sit in a warm spot (about 80 degrees is fine) until it rises to about double original dough

(not above top of pan). Place into oven at 375 degrees and cook. Takes 45 to 60 minutes. Do not try to slice until it is cool and removed from the pan


Quick biscuits:

Use one-half the above ingredients except replace the water with buttermilk and the yeast with one tablespoon non-aluminum baking powder.?? The dough can be spooned into a drop biscuit pan or a muffin pan or dropped onto a well greased cookie sheet. Cook at 375 degrees until brown. Also excellent for waffles!


You can add all kinds of goodies to either recipe:

Cinnamon, raisins, dried fruits, nuts, parmesan or cheddar cheese, etc.


